I posted this on H&F but the interview is tomorrow so I thought I would post again over here.
As y'all know I am a yoga teacher but have been struggling to find classes (most places hired months ago & are fully staffed b/c of the new years resolutioners at gyms/studios/etc). So now I'm a supervisor at Starbucks (lots of fun). I just got a call from LA Fitness saying they would like to audition me to teach pilates but only if I will teach spin as well. I have taken a few classes (I plan on taking/observing several this week) and even though the fitness director will train me, I'm a bit nervous.
Any of you ladies teach or enjoy spin classes and have some tips for me?
Re: Spin classes
I used to teach spin, then I didn't have time so now I just take it. For me, I really like spin instructors that try to make it as much like a road ride as possible--so have a good mix of high resistance strength and endurance intervals. Music also really makes or breaks a class for me.
The only thing I didn't like about teaching was when I wanted to change up my music, I would spend more on Itunes than I was paid for a class. But it wasn't too bad since it was stuff I liked for running too.
Good luck!! I would love to do it again post graduating and getting my life back!
The face of Kitty-Hate
Thanks! Since I'll only be teaching once a week I think I'll probably dig through my itunes & purchase songs to get 2 classes worth of songs. That way I could alternate my playlist each week. Do you think thats enough?
Thanks for letting me know, but Pearland is a little far for me to drive for a 1 hour class (I live in the energy corridor).
What are some things that your spin instructor does that you enjoy?
This! I love the spin classes at my YMCA. One of the instructors is hit or miss on music (not a fan of the days where it just sounds like one long song without words), but the days I like the music, the old guy at the front complains about it. He is very high energy and you can tell he enjoys it, so it makes the class more fun.
My favorite spin instructor always has current, upbeat music and does lots of hills, jumps, and hovers.
My favorite spin classes are Les Mills' RPM, but I think you have to be specially certified to teach them
Things I like in an instructor: current music (the lady who taught me today had baaaad music, think arena rock...gag), high energy, class involvement is really nice (one of my instructors gets everyones' names before class starts and calls you out, he has an amazing memory), variety of songs (hills, intervals, speed work)
Things I don't like in an instructor: staying on or off the saddle for long periods of time (think 10 minutes or more), them walking around the room (if I am doing it, you do it)
So Tasty, So Yummy
I LOVED when I took spin classes.
The instructor I had that I liked the best was really excellent. She picked awesome music, had a definite growth and variety in the rhythms, and tended to paint a picture with her instructions 'OK, we're climbing the hill, there will be beer at the top!' She made it like a bike ride, not drills (I hated drills) She did walk around the room some, but generally that was a little later on to add some motivation, then she'd get back on the bike