I let the dogs out cuz Collins was asking to go out. She does her weird little leaps and goes to this spot in the snow, starts sniffing around like the little GSP she is, sticks her snout under the snow and comes up with something in her mouth. Thinking she found poo under the snow I called them to come in (which OMG they both came immediately!!) I stick my hand in Collins' mouth to pull what I thought would be poo out and pull out a feather.
So the opinion. Could she have found some bird?!!? If it IS a bird is there anything I need to be worried about? She literally JUST had her shots (a week ago tomorrow) so I would think she'd be okay?
I don't want to go out there because I don't trust them to not go ballistic and thus have Ziva hurt herself and DH won't be home for over an hour.
Re: Opinion on what my dog found in the snow needed!
Was there a dead bird with the feather, or what? There might be mites, but that's it.
Nothing to worry about, and the shots wouldn't be affective anyway since it's only been a week.