My kitten (16 weeks old) received one dose of Revolution last Tuesday.... He's been extremely lethargic and refuses to eat. He got SQ fluids at the vet today, and we've been force feeding him with a syringe. No vomitting, but no improvement with lethargy or anorexia.
I'm INCREDIBLY worried... Been reading horror stories about people have animals die on them... and I read on the package insert to "use caution" giving to sick animals (he was on antibiotics for a URI when given the Revolution).
Also got a full blood/chem panel done, but won't have results in until Friday.
I'm worried sick. I feel terrible that likely a medicine did this to him (vet doesn't think so, I *know* it was the revolution!)..
How long until it "clears" his system? Anyone have a bad week after giving their pet this?
Re: anyone have bad side effects with Salmectin (Revolution)?
Our cat used to have some minor seizure like activity for the first few days after we gave it to him. We don't use any preventative now b.c. he is indoor only, Frontline if he is exposed to fleas.
I'd give her a bath and keep looking into things. Kittens are also very prone to all kinds of illnesses so it could be something else. Revolution is not known for having side effects, but its a chemical so of course it will have side effects in some animals.