What songs will not drive me batty listening to them?
M doesn't like listening to "your music" and that's fine because he repeats everything he hears and only seems to here verses of songs that are inappropriate. lol. (I totally don't listen to inappropriate songs though I'm finding a lot of songs on the radio are less than desirable to have your 4 belting out at the top of his lungs while you are shopping.
We have TMBG's "Here Come the ABCs", "Here Come the 123s" and "Here Comes Science". Now that he has sufficiently proven he's heard "Here Comes Science" enough to explain ROYGBIV, the periodical table of elements, and Electric Cars (plus a few "So where do babies come from" questions that have resulted from these "how things work" lessons) I need some new music! I've had these songs suck in my head all week!
So what songs do you listen to with the kids?
Re: I need some new kids songs!
I gravitate toward kids CDs by regular artists/bands rather than kid-specific musicians, which tend to make me a little insane
"Snacktime" by Barenaked Ladies
Curious George soundtrack by Jack Johnson
"Wanna Play?" by Sunshine Collective
"A Family Album" by The Verve Pipe
"The Merry Goes Round" by Jewel
"For The Kids," "For The Kids Too," "For The Kids Three" by various artists (and then check out albums by those artists)
Have you tried Laurie Berkner?
I thought I would hate it but my kids love Raffi! Can't stop singing the songs after hearing them so many times. The one they like is the CD Singable songs for the very young. Not sure how old your kids are but mine love the Yo Gabba Gabba CDs and Jake and the pirates one too. My DS is 21 months old and knows the words and sings along with everything!
Well I listen to what most would call completely inappropriate like Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Gaga, etc. Last music class that was a "free for all" where the kids get to pick a song to do, E's pick was "Nikki Minaj".
BUT- I do watch Nick Jr a decent amount and from watching Jack's Big Music Show, I like Laurie Berkner and David Weinstone. David Weinstone's music is what they use in Music for Aardvarks classes and it's very hip and NYC based. There has to be like 15 CD's. We've been in it since E was 8 mo and that's 9 semesters. 9 CD's. It's fun/silly but cool stuff.