on yesterday's food allergy post, i said that neither kid has a food allergy and if they did or a classmate did, i guess i would be more informed about it.
pediatrician just called - he sent Sam for bloodwork to determine if her skin rashes were related to milk or eggs, as he suspected.
It came back as allergic to PEANUTS! She tasted peanut butter once and didn't seem interested. But we eat it all the time at home, so I assume she needs to ingest it for an issue, and it's not airborne based. She's a 3 on the scale of 0-6
he called in an epi pen prescription for us (will someone show us how to use that?!) and told us to get benadryl.
off to make an appt with his recommended allergist.
Re: my own words bit me in the ass!
Oh no! I'm really sorry. I hope it's truly a mild allergy.
I think K is similarly allergic to peanuts. We don't eat as much of it these days but it's still in the house and she doesn't seem to have reactions to other things that may contain nuts. We haven't had her tested yet but the two times I gave her peanut butter she didn't like it and developed a red rash around her mouth.
I'm sorry.
We found out last month that S was allergic to peanuts as well. She tested a 2 out of 6 which is mild but did get an epi pen to carry around. Luckily she is okay with tree nuts so we are do not have to be nut free.
I have to admit, I did freak out about the epi pen but now glad that I have something in case something happens.