I took S's shirt off to get him in PJs tonight and his entire belly was blue and purple. I freaked out. It looked like he had been beaten or suffered a major fall! I was panicked even though he was acting okay. I mean it was BAD and he didn't have any incident reports from school.
I told myself to calm down and decided to wash him with a washcloth and I thought a little was fading. I wasn't really sure.
I was literally about to take a picture to email my husband and head to the ER. I am dead serious when I say I thought he was seriously injured. Even M thought it looked bad.
But then I realized they had changed his shirt at school. I found the dirty shirt and it was covered in purple marker and was soaking wet!
I still can't get it all off him. He still looks bruised after a good scrubbing. And my heart is sill racing.
And you better bet I'm walking into school tomorrow and saying "Next time a baby decides to color himself with purple and blue markers, tell the parent!"
Seriously, I almost took my kid to the hospital over marker ink! And calling the police wasn't far from my mind either! OMG what a night.
(And if you had seen it you'd know I wasn't over reacting)
Re: OMG daycare is getting a mouthful tomorrow
Here's why I think that is a little funny, earlier this week I watched an episode of House where a mom had her toddler son in for a red rash that was really just the color of a new couch that rubbed off on him.
That was a lot of marker!
Mom to Teagan 4.11.07 and Cora 9.30.11
D&E @ 22w 9.30.09 CMV infection BFP 10.15.10 C/P 4w4d
LOL. Now that I know my 1 year old does not have internal bleeding it is a little funny. Can you imagine the poor police officer that would have had to fill out the police report? "Mom reported child abuse. Turned out tonight isn't bath night".
And the shirt is covered completely in marker. MH wants to know how they even let him color himself for that long.
Seriously, his ENTIRE belly looked blue and purple.
That is scary. And yeah I would have freaked too.
Try olive oil to get it off. It worked when T used a sharpie and wound up with a mustrache.
I'm curious what happened b/c I'm surprised the kids use marker at all in his room....unless he got a hold of something he wasn't suppose to have.
Mom to Teagan 4.11.07 and Cora 9.30.11
D&E @ 22w 9.30.09 CMV infection BFP 10.15.10 C/P 4w4d
I'm not at all bother by the marker itself, just that they didn't tell me so that I wouldn't freak out.
Turns out the director saw some on his leg (I didn't even notice the "bruise" on his leg) that afternoon and asked the girl in there if he had fallen. She never saw his chest. That girl told the director "apparently he got into some markers" because she had been told by the AM girls that he colored himself. I know she wasn't the one that changed his shirt because I had asked about the shirt at pickup (because the clothes he was in weren't his -- they belong to the school). I don't think she had seen the belly either because she is always careful to tell me if there is anything I should be concerned about or might think looked odd.
So the AM girls told me this morning that he colored himself (when leaned on a marker while coloring with them) and they tried to clean him up. They thought telling the PM girl was enough, but they didn't realize that she only knew about the little mark on him. I guess since they knew it was marker it didn't occur to them that it looked like a major injury until I pointed it out this morning.
I'm guessing they will think about it for now on. I never complain about anything so they apologized a lot.