Okay, gotta say three things:
1. Good for him for taking a stand. And I have to admire how he did it. Getting the letter and posting back on her FB has a lot of panache.
2. Dude, just sell it on CL, have the buyer walk onscreen and pocket the money. Or donate it and have someone come onscreen and give it to them. What a waste. Not the right message to send. Seems a petulant fit.
3. Instead of ranting about her wanting to get money, how about going on about common courtesy, being part of a family and insisting if money is what she wants, she pay THEM for her bedroom, furniture, clothes, portion of utilities and food? Seems to be more to the point.
What do you think?
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Re: Dad retaliates to daughter's FB post on FB
I wanted to stand up and cheer for that dad... with the exception of the gun part. Not necessary. Overly dramatic. Stupid. Would have rather had the cash, myself. But shootin' things with guns is the great American way, I suppose. I wish more parents were willing to openly put their foot down with their teens.
I agree with this. In addition, I know so many kids that really *need* a computer at home.
But no teen *needs* their own individual laptop with full access to do whatever they want, locked up in their room. A central family computer, in a place easy to supervise works exactly the same way.
I didn't open that on FB last night and this is the first I saw of it. I love his message up to the shooting part; way overboard usless display of violence toward something that is a small percentage of the issue at hand.
He mentions the part of her having a list of her responsabilities because she can't remember thing I learned in my counseling session is that teen brains can not fully focus on more than one thing at a time due to development and brains don't develop fully until age 26. I had issue with dd1 not doing the very few (much less than this girl) chores we ask of her without repeated reminders. Seems she has her mind on other stuff when she gets home! Surprisingly she admitted that she should be able to remember to do them since they are a regular duty.
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Mama's Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird
It seems a waste to destroy the laptop but in the end, it was his and his money that paid for it so I guess he has the right to do with it as he wants. Plus he has the physical computer to give back to her bullet holes and all.
Plus if he works IT, he would probably not donate it anyway because data can be retrieved in all sorts of manner even with the memory wiped. He would have most likely just broke it down for parts.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
I thought this too! Also, way to model good behavior Dad. Shooting the computer out of anger and hurt is a GREAT way to show the teen how to deal with her feelings properly.
I am not defending what the kid did at all, just that Dad could have used it as a teaching moment instead of seeking to hurt her back/get revenge on her.
I'm sitting in this corner too. Teenagers often suck, like drama and lack filters. Take away the computer, ground her and move on. He overreacted.
I've said this before but I am sooo grateful social media didn't exist when I was a dumba$$ teenager!DS 09/08