I just had to share this with someone because it is honestly still bothering me a bit.
One of our kittens got tangled in the handle of a mesh laundry hamper last night and almost choked to death. Luckily I was home and found her before she was really hurt and cut it off of her. I was so super scared while it was happening (and I know that she was too!) and ended up giving her a few gentle breaths to get her breathing back up to speed. I watched her for two hours whle she rested on my lap and then she got up and started playing again.
All I can say is thank god I was home and for the resiliancy of kittens! I'm at work now and just wish that I could either be at home with her or have here here.
Also - that hamper is in the trash never to be used again (and I cut it up before putting it there so that it can't ever do that to anyone again.)
Re: Scarey Moment last night