The Devils are having an open skate tomorrow at the practice rink in the arena. J is dying for us to go. Which is great and all but neither of us have skated in YEARS and W has never skated. I can barely wait. So, I emailed him to find out if they rent out helmets too. He came back all pissed off that I brought it up. DUDE, A) it's a freaking law & 2.) he's a baby! You want to put him on ice skates for the first time ever 5 minutes after you skate for the first time in like 20 years. He is so going to fall (over and over and over) and it's completely irresponsible not to protect his little brain.
I get that we grew up in the era of no safety and that things have DRASTICALLY changed in the past 20-30 years but really, this is a no brainer to me. He's so frustrating.
Re: My husband is crazy.
Ava wore her bike helmet when we went a few weeks ago - and I hadn't been skating in probably close to 20 years. No injuries or embarrassing moments for any of us
have fun!
For now, he only had a tricycle so no, we haven't bought him a helmet yet. But we are tonight.
I'm fairly certain someone is coming away broken from this. And I'm sure it's going to be me.
THAT is a genius idea. THANK YOU!!!!!