1: my left boob is killing me lately...like I have a BF infection, but obviously I'm not BF'ing. I shouldn't say killing me...it's annoyingly sensitive and hurts when E climbs on me and touches it. Is it possible something is clogged in there already, or am I already losing my frigging mind?
2: on the losing my mind part...I had severe PPD with E, and I feel like I"m already getting it with this one. I am going to talk to my OB about it when I go this coming week, just to make sure that as soon as he/she comes out, I can get on something so I don't feel anything remotely close to what I felt with him...last time it was Xanax in the beginning but I'm wondering if there is something else? How long will PPD meds take to work (I think last time 2 weeks), and am I going to live through this this time? I mean I had it REALLY bad last time, to the point where I wanted to pack him up and send him back to the hospital. And it lasted for months (like 20 months, which he'll be next month) since I was convinced I could "handle it myself" and didn't need meds for it. Thankfully this time I'm more receptive to it and know that I'm going to need some serious help.
Re: 2 pregnancy questions: boobs and anxiety/PPD
I was on prozac for PPD. It did take a few weeks to kick in though. I, too, had severe PPD. It was awful.
I'm on xanax now on an "as needed" basis. While it helps with the anxiety, I'm not sure it would have helped with the depression part of PPD. Maybe it's because I'm on such a low dosage.
Good luck and I'm glad you're going to talk to your OB soon about all this.
Two options 1)You can start taking an SSRI right now. During pregnancy, a low dose of an SSRI would be completely acceptable and outweigh the anxiety you are already facing. My sister is a psychiatrist and she said these meds is really considered safe and much better for the baby than a super anxious mama FWIW.
2) Also, xanax in the beginning is only until the SSRI starts working. If you started at delivery (which I did for anxiety), it kicks in right away, within a week or so. I was put on zoloft at delivery and took it the entire time I nursed with no problems. Zoloft was, according to my doc, the safest for nursing.
Good luck.
Xanax will do nothing for depression and you can't nurse on it. Just an FYI
You're not alone in waiting, I waited 3 yrs for the same reason. The Prozac started working honestly for me in just a few days I felt a difference, but it was a good month until I really noticed a lot of other things different too. I have an Rx for Xanax that is on as needed basis, the Dr said take it every day if I need to or just when I feel I need it, whereas the Prozac is every day. I had the samething though, my PPD really went out of control while I was pregnant/
Then, you can start both meds at delivery if you like. The SSRI does start to help within 1-2 weeks and the xanax will certainly take the edge off. If you are in real trouble now, discuss it with your doc. You have 8 weeks left? That's a long time to suffer.
It depends on how often you'd take xanax. Check out http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?LACT for info on meds during breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is supposed to help with PPD due to the release of hormones. if you start and decide to quit, just do it gradually so you don't have a sudden change in hormones.
Understood (as I also waited until I delivered), but just to be clear, the xanax cannot be taken in pregnancy. I wasn't suggesting that medication at all during poregnancy. It is also helpful to try to look at these as helpful medications for you, not as these awful drugs. If you were a diabetic, you would treat yourself much more kindly. I just say this as a 15 year sufferer of anxiety who has realized that it is a true, medical condition and should be treated as such. So many people resist getting help because of the stigma attached.
I sufferered through my first pregnancy and breastfeeding experience and had to cut breastfeeding short because of it. By listening to my docs and trusting them, I was able to nurse my second for a year. I know nursing isn't your priority, I'm just saying that if you cut yourself some slack and take a more positive view of these medications, you may make it easier for yourself.
as for the boobs- i know mine were VERY sore when i was pg witht he twins - it hurt so much when Griffin climbed on me... so i think that is normal.
i think you'll do great this time with the PPD b/c you are aware and willing to take meds, etc. That is the first step --- so you are in a good place with it. Talk to your docs about your fears and they can come up with a plan for you - now or after birth, or both.
i went on zoloft when i was pregnant because i felt my anxiety and depression creeping on. it helped a lot and i was much "saner" than i was after my first child. i'm glad i did. i BF on it, it's safe.
my boobs were REALLY sensitive as well during pregnancy, it would be really painful for a day or 2, then fine for a week.
1. it's possible. I never had any symptoms like that, but your milk is developing again. Maybe warm compresses will help? Talk to your OB about it too.
2. I had severe PPD with L. It was SO HARD for me to go from 2 to 3 - like impossible. I lost my mind having 3 kids in 3 years. I was on meds - Wellbutrin (only because I didn't want to take meds and had to go back and forth with my PCP as to what I was willing to take because I was BFing, and other reasons). I didn't start them until L was 6 months old when I actually realized that it was so bad. Within a week, I was a different person and felt so much better and under control!
GL to you!!!!!
Really? It has the exact opposite effect for me, unfortunately. I am myself again when i QUIT BFing. When I'm BFing, my hormones are all out of whack and they make my PPD worse.........
I had moderate/severe PPD the first time, but went about 7-8 weeks after baby until I got on medication (Zoloft). It definitely helped me. This time around I was nervous about feeling that way again, and my OB said I could start Zoloft 2 wks before baby was born (though I waited until right after delivery, as in, she popped out and I took my pill).
I also was going to try BF again ( I made myself do a month the first time), but while in the hospital I was starting to feel anxious/really upset about having to do it - just remembering how awful it made me feel the first time - and I decided that I wanted to just do formula. I BF in the hospital for about the first 30 hours, and then I decided my mental health was more important. The nurses did push me a bit not to, but I just told them I decided to do formula, and that I had the OK from the pediatrician. So, definitely don't be afraid/embarrassed to start the meds right away, or pressured to do BF. My children needed a sane, happy mother more than a miserable, BF mother. Good luck!