Hi ladies,
One of our male cats has a UTI. He was diagnosed with it this past Sunday. He was given a two week antibiotic shot and we are supposed to take him back in a week for a follow up. Over the past few days I have noticed that he lingers around the litter box a bit and I was wondering if he was able to pee normally. After he would leave the litter box area I would check and would see just a little dampness where he had peed. This morning I noticed that he peed and it looked like it was a little more than he had been doing, so that's a good thing. He doesn't seem to be in pain when he pees (he doesn't cry out or anything). I'm just concerned that the infection is still lingering and he's having trouble eliminating. What is a reasonable length of time for a male cat's UTI to clear up to where they pee normally? Is a week reasonable, or is that too long? Like I said he's due back next Saturday for a checkup. Maybe I'm just being a paranoid mother. :-) Does it sound like he's making enough progress so that we should just stick with his follow up visit next week, or does it sound like he needs to go back to the vet this weekend?
Sorry for rambling. I haven't had a male cat get a UTI in so long that I don't remember what to expect. TIA.
Re: Male cat UTI question
I'm not sure how the UTI was diagnosed (voided sample or if it was obtained via cystocentesis) or how old your kitty is, but UTI's in male cats under 8 or so are very uncommonly the cause of urinary signs. Much more likely is Feline Lower Urinary Tract disease which is an idiopathic cystitis. I would do a little research on this
Here is a link from Cornell regarding FLUTD.
Also, like PP said you will want to make sure your cat is continuing to urinate. Urethral blockage is a medical emergency.
Good luck and I hope your kitty feels better.
Like PP said, it's really unlikely that it's a UTI. He probably has urinary crystals. He doesn't seem to be blocked since he's voiding urine, but I wouldn't wait to find out.
We just went through urinary issues with our cat (he was only 10 months old at the time, it's now almost 2 months later) and it was not at all fun. Good luck and keep us posted!
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