I'm having such a pitty party kind of day.
I miss DD, I feel like I haven't seen her in a week, I know I have 'seen' her but I haven't really SEEN her. The IL's were in town so I was a nobody compared to Gma and Gpa, which it should be, but then working all week and only having a little bit of time at night makes it seem like it's been forever since we've really been able to spend quality time together.
The dog is sick, with who knows what. We came home last night to about 10 accidents all over the basement floor, you name it it was on the floor. I spent an hour cleaning the carpet and trying to remember she doesn't feel well. I go to walk out the door this morning for work and find 2 more accidents from last night. The poor thing doesn't feel good, which I get, but seriously I'm tired of cleaning carpet!
All I want to do is go home and be with DD, but I have to work. Oh, and DH is being a poophead.
105 days until my life will slow down a bit.
Thanks for letting me vent!
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