...and the AE to go with it....
I hate, hate, hate co-parenting.
I really wish that we had different arrangements and am actually considering having that discussion with at least one child, to see if they would prefer it. That's probably bad parenting, but I'm sick of all the little crap every.single.week.
Today's issue: middle-school child has a school project that was assigned on Thursday, due Tuesday. It's a group project and the assumption is that kids could either GTG over the weekend, or collaborate online ... which would be totally doable if the other parents actually paid their bills on time and therefore didn't get their internet connection shut off.
I got a call from a parent (A) of one of the other kids in the group looking for a working phone number because my kid's other parents phone isn't working. Again. It's been switched for probably the 3rd or 4th time in 12 months.
Parent A has left messages for my kid's other parents all weekend asking if he could pick him up for a couple hours so the group can work on this project, but they won't call him back. My KID finally texted him and said he's not allowed to because they want 3 days notice.
Oh, and I'm still dealing with last week's issue ... apparently the other parents were outraged that I let a 6 foot tall [teenager] go running 2 miles - in the suburbs! - for exercise. Yes, I didn't know where he was for about 15 minutes, but this "unacceptable, disrespectful attitude" he's been showing is apparently a legitimate reason for him to not be allowed on an incredible trip with a friend this summer.
Does anyone mind if I drink before 4pm??
Re: The usual vent....
That is terrible! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.
And I'm almost even more mad about the running thing. I don't see how there's anything whatsoever wrong with letting an 8th grader go for a run! That is the craziest idea ever. I had a former student who is doing an amazing job in HS track, and he started going on runs by himself in 6th grade (when he got way too fast for mom to keep up with). He was a mature kid, had a cell phone with him, and could absolutely handle it. YOU are the mom and YOU know what is okay for your kid, not this other nosy mom!
Too many layers of awesome, just like me.
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