I'm a sucker for this show and tear up nearly every week. If I ever met Tia, I would give her a huge hug - she's awesome.
I just watched the latest episode and they're moving to New Orleans! This is from the Wikipedia page:
As the rules regarding kennel permits were becoming increasingly strict and expensive in Los Angeles County, the rescue announced on November 13th, 2011, that they would be moving the facility out of California and splitting into two separate locations, in two states. The Sanctuary, a.k.a. "Pit Bull Ponderosa", is located in New Mexico, where a 50-acre ranch was donated to the cause. This location will be used for the "lifers" - seniors and the unadoptables - so they may live out their lives in the peace and serenity of the high desert. The new rescue & adoption facility is being set up in the 9th Ward of New Orleans, LA, due to the overwhelming Pit Bull population in that area. [8]
It will be interesting to see how the next season goes with the move and two different sites. I wonder if she was able to take any of her employees with her (Mando, Jake) - I guess all of the parolees weren't able to leave the state and go with her.
Re: Pit Bull & Parolees - has anyone been watching?
I do.
It's pretty much the only show that makes me cry almost every time. I think they will do great work in NO and look forward to next season.
I love this show, but I haven't seen it lately. I'll have to try to get caught up.
Did it have a timeline for when they'd be in New Orleans?
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home DI believe that they're already there by now. The last episode showed Tia packing up a school bus with some of the dogs and leaving California. I assume that next season will pick up in the new location.
I just looked at their website and they are anticipating a Grand Opening to the public in March. I'll be in New Orleans in April. Hmmm....
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home DYou should go and report back!
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home DI love that show. The episode where the woman was reunited with her dog after time in jail and getting clean and the dog was so aggressive that if the reunion didn't work out then they would have to put her down id my favorite, I cried like a baby.
The work she is doing is so amazing and that someone donated that property is awesome. I hope she is able to run her sanctuaries without all the problems she went through in CA.
2012 Reading Challenge
If you are friends with them on facebook, their adoption center will be in New Orleans and the 'livers' (the dogs that are unadoptable) will be in New Mexico.
It is so screwy how some stupid regulations caused this headache...but New Orleans seems like the perfect place for them...especially because of all the work they have done there!
You will forever be my best friend. I can almost feel our hugs. I will ensure everyone will know (now and in the future) what a genuine, kind, loving person you were...I already miss your laughter and our daily conversations. I love you, Samantha. May 20, 1983- February 20, 2012
Yep, Mondo and his wife live in New Mexico now and the rest of them are in New Orleans.
From what I have gathered next season won't show much of them move from what I understand. They are so needed in the south. It must have been a tough move but they are needed!