I'm a SAHM and sometimes I feel like all I do is nag my kids. Use your fork, stop fighting, dont jump on the couch, pick up your toys, close the door, get on your coat....etc. UGH, it's just getting to me b/c I hate to ride them all the time but I want/expect a certain behavior, I figure I have to stay on them to get it. However, it's just draining sometimes and I am sure they're tired of hearing me repeat myself 1000 times a day. I don't want them to resent me for it either.
They're so young and sweet and generally really well behaved, but I feel like I should be enjoying them so much and instead I just get tired and aggravated with constantly having to nag them. Anyone else feel like this? I think I just need a day by myself or something. I feel guilty even typing this post out.
Re: Vent: I feel like a drill seargant sometimes
I feel like this and I'm not SAH so I'm not with them as much
My dad was career military and he regularly told us it was easier to deploy the troops then it was to manage 3 kids.
I only have one but I feel the exact same way. Just yesterday I was sitting and thinking about this. It is so hard but I am trying to not be the drill sergeant and to realize that he may not always do things my way and within my time frame. He's just him and I have to stop being so controlling. At the same time I do need to have expectations of him. It's so hard (to me) balancing those mindsets, you know.
But this is such a learning experience. I can't imagine what my mom went through raising 4 of us. Everyday I think I gain newfound respect for our parents.
Thanks for posting this, I never really thought about it that way. I know I'm a control freak when it comes to my family do I'm going to try to cut them (mainly my son) a little slack.
I completely agree with this. The first paragraph is me, totally.
I'm one of 3 and definitely have newfound respect for my parents (mainly my mom...my dad worked a lot when we were really young)...but then I also remember my mom had us all before she turned 25 and was so young, green and un-set in her ways, which to me makes it much easier to do what you pointed out in your first paragraph.
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Yep, my mom was REALLY young when she had me (16). She and my dad got married then had 3 more by the time she was 29. I agree that sometimes being young(er) allows you to not be as set in your ways. I was 37 when I had Evan. For so many years I did things MY way. So even now it's hard to let go of that. Sometimes I read something that says that older parents have more patience and I think "They obviously didn't poll me!". I'm sure many do but I'd say a good amount of us spent so many years being who we are that it is hard letting go of that control. But I think little by little I'm learning.