We saw Sleep No More on Saturday, which is an audience participation (sort of) show at The McKittrick Hotel on 27th in the city. It was unlike anything we have ever seen. It's in an abandoned warehouse, formerly BED and Twilo and you basically wander and follow the characters from Macbeth throughout the 2.5 hour experience. It's loosely based on Macbeth and set in the 1930s. You have to wear venentian style carnival masks during the entire show and are asked to remain silent. You basically become a voyeur and go from scene to scene or just randomly walking from room to room looking in books, drawers, closets, etc...You can follow whichever character you like throughout or just go your own way. The experience is not the same for any two people. They recommend you separate from your party. Mark and I were separated briefly when a woman asked him to follow her into a room and he obliged
I originally started the experience thinking it was going to be a long night. 2.5 hours later, I was utterly disappointed to have it end. Two days later it is still so present in my mind. This type of thing is so completely out of the norm for me. I'm more of a showtunes and Broadway gal but this was simply put...sensational. I don't think I will ever experience anything quite like it again. Even if we go back, which we are considering, it would not be the same.
The show has been extended until May, I believe. If you get the opportunity to go, I HIGHLY recommend it. As I said, it's not what I would typically see and I absolutely loved it. We went with friends of ours and we agreed that despite our initial inhabitions and anxiety we experienced something we feel lucky to have stumbled upon. I don't imagine you could be disappointed. My one piece of advice. Put on the mask and let yourself go. You will love it! I am likely not doing it justice. It really is amazing!
Re: Theater RAVE - Sleep No More by Punchdrunk at the McKittrick Hotel
Just a little bit more info. It's very much about the senses. Every room/scene has a different experience from smell, lighting, architecture and experience. The fact that you are silent is initially unsettling but you get wrapped up in everything around you that you forget to speak. It's really all about enjoying the experience. It sounds much more bizarre than it is, i swear
Maybe we should make a girls night of it. I'm sure Dave wouldn't mind saving the $100!!
I wish but no way Mark would let me go without him. He loved, which really surprised me. We'll join you though if you want!