After having blood work done on our dog Max and finding that it's just the fanconi disease, we now have some options. Our vet is finally showing some sympathy after I called crying this morning because of the lack of sleep. They talked to the specialist and it is agreed that there is nothing medically that can be done to stop the progression of the disease making Max want to pee/drink more water. Even the supplements we give him won't make it better for us, just prolong his life.
Our options are:
1. Put a doggie door in that allows him to go in and out as he needs- $400+. This allows us to sleep when he needs to go out, but we still will need to get up to make sure he has water. He will drink all the water at once if we put a bigger bowl out.
2. Puppy pads. Doggie diapers are not an option. I just can't.
3. Finding a rescue group or person that could handle the multiple times a night that he needs to get up to be let out or given water.
4. Putting him down.
Dh and I are going to have a heart to heart tonight about #1 and #4 options. This is so tough. He is such a good dog, but these sleepless nights are killing us. We can do 1-2 times a night, not the 8+ times.
And look at him.
How freaking hard this decision will be if we decide to put him down.
Re: Update on dog
Ditto! I think it is worth a shot. I am sorry you have to deal with this. It must be very hard.
All of this.
He really is so beautiful!
Coming from a complete animal lover, I would say that as long as he isn't in any pain, putting him down would not be something I would consider. I don't know how hand your DH is, but my ex-H put our doggie door in himself, so it was basically just the cost of the door. I have a 70 lb dog, so I think we got the large or XL dog door and it was closer to $200. I guess this probably also might depend on the type of door you are putting it in? Worth every penny in my opinion. The dog gets the relief he needs and you get sleep! And it is't that hard to train them to use a doggie door either.
And as far as the water dish. They make culligan jug style dog dishes, so if you got him one of those, maybe you wouldn't need to get up in the night to check on his water. Just a suggestion!
Good luck in whatever decision you make!