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thoughts on the governors decision to fly the flags
at half-mast on Saturday for Whitney Houston?
I am actually surprised he would do this. And in complete disagreement with this. This honor should be reserved for service men and women like the one from Bergen county killed last week. Bad call on his part.
Where in world would you like me to ship you?

My boys - I am so screwed in about 7 years.
What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?
Re: thoughts on the governors decision to fly the flags
I agree with you. My brothers who both served in the wars in Afghanistan are extremely upset that their "brothers" who died fighting weren't honored the same. Those men and women are true Heros.
I am sad that Whitney has passed and feel horrible for her family especially her daughter but I wouldn't call her a hero.
This is what MH said. He works in Trenton and said they are at half mast pretty much every day and usually no one even knows why. When I read about the flags for Whitney last night, I did say, wow, are you kidding me?! b/c I do think it's ridiculous to do it for her. It just seems wrong, but, again, they do it almost every day but this time it's getting attention. And I agree they should do it for the service men and women well before a celeb from NJ
I disagree. She wasn't the best example for kids with her addictions. I would love someone to publicly ask him why not everyday for fallen solders???
Yep. And it makes it even worse if it's lost its meaning, because then that says even less about respect for the fallen soldiers.
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The entire state is supposed to fly it at 1/2 mast for any fallen soldier from NJ
I just think there are so many things to be outraged about going on in NJ right now, that flags are such a small blip. Pushing a human rights issue to be voted on by the people should make you much angrier
seriously, I don't lose sleep over this kind of thing, and wouldn't think more than a few seconds about it if it weren't open for discussion here, but if the fact is that it's supposed to be 1/2 mast for the soldiers and it isn't mandated, the whole thing is b.s.
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I don't know what happens when military originally from NJ are KIA but when a NJ Guardsman is killed, the flags are flown at half-mast. There was a NJ Guardsman killed in Afghanistan several months ago. Not only were the flags at half-mast but Gov Christie attended the funeral and walked by the family.
There was a Marine that was just killed who came from NJ. I'll have to watch and see what happens with the flags. Right now very few NJ guardsmen are deployed so I'm not surprised we don't hear more.
That all being said, I do NOT agree with the decision to fly the flags at half mast for Whitney. I think lowering the flags is an honor for those who exemplify what it means to be an American through service and or sacrifice. Nothing against Whitney but that doesn't describe her.
Wasn't the point of the post asking our opinions on the the flags? I'm just giving my 2 cents.
Coming from a military family this saddens me.
But so many things about the flag sadden me: the fact that only the military brats at my school were willing to get the flag out of the rain, the fact that no one but us folded it properly, the fact that no one stood for the national anthem at the only pro baseball game played in Hawaii when I was there. Don't get me started.
Federal law permits a governor to order flags flown at half mast to honor the death of any notable former or current resident or state official. It's not just for service members.
I'm also curious to know if there were any NJ casualties for whom the flag was not lowered to half staff? The list on the site. Is anyone missing from that list?
I don't think it's a fair representation of the state. I think that something as significant as flying the flags at half-staff (a symbol of respect) should not be bestowed up on pop stars, rock stars or entertainers at all. While they provide society with a smile or two, equating their death with that of a fallen soldier or representative is in poor taste and sadly says a lot about our society.
I don't know why it should be half-mast for Whitney. Yes she had a great voice and was an entertainer. Was she a role model? Nope.
Perhaps not to you, but pretty much every famous female singer (even many males) has in the past and certainly since this past weekend gone on record to say she did inspire them, and she was indeed a role model to them. She's also been a role model to countless other aspiring performers not just in NJ, but across the freaking world.
I'm no fan of Gov. Christie, but I think this is well-deserved. The half-staff honor is not just for fallen military or state officials; iconic entertainers -- even imperfect ones -- get the honor, too. They did it for Frank Sinatra, and I'm sure they'd do it for Bruce and JBJ, too.
(I can't with this post, I really can't...)
I don't feel strongly about it either way. But even if she was a drug addict, she wasn't JUST an entertainer. She did do other things- she was a huge philanthropist. I used to work for LifeTies, Inc which has group homes for delinquent/neglected/abused/LGBT/HIV+ youth. She gave a lot of time and money to that organization. She donated to schools and other youth organizations. It's not like she just sang her songs and smoked the pipe. While drugs don't make her a role model, they don't detract from everything else she's done either.
I'm not a huge fan or a hater- I'm middle of the road. But something someone in charge of the Grammy's said (not about her) struck me as important to remember also- "When we start judging the private lives of people, it becomes a dangerous and slippery slope". Or something like that- I'm paraphrasing. But it's true. Hey- President Bush was a cocaine addict prior to becoming president. Many politicians do good things for their state or for the country, maybe serve in the armed forces, but then it comes out they cheated on their spouse. Someone may be in the army and have died for our country, but what if it came out later he also beat his wife? Which is more important? I don't know.
Obviously I think the troops are important and need to be recognized. But I'm not sure if recognizing WH in the same way troops are supposed to be honored dishonors them...
I'm with Amanda on this. I *** hate Christie, but this one thing I will agree with him on. Whitney Houston is iconic, and while she had a troubled life, did contribute to society. Nobody is perfect. Come on.