Yesterday Evan had a temp of 100 and he threw up twice at school. No one called me; they told me when I came to pick the kids up and they wrote what happened on his daily paper. Took him home; temp was the same. He was cranky, didn't want to eat but drank a huge sippy full of water, had a bath and went right to sleep. This morning temp was normal. He had a full wet diaper in the morning. He ate some cheerios and a banana for breakfast. Drank a cup full of water again. He kept everything down and had no temp so I took him to school and told them to call me if vomits again.
He's had a cough for a few days and he tends to be a puker when he coughs as in everything will come up. But the fact that he threw up more than once and had a higher temp worried me. I am wondering if it's the onset of a stomach bug or just an uneasy stomach from all the mucous from the cough. Isn't the stomach bug out both ends? (his poops are normal). Wouldn't the fever be higher? I guess every case is different. So here I am at work just waiting for that phone to ring but hoping it won't and that he will be okay today!
Re: stomach bug question
I was about to ask if a fever is required. s woke up this morning perfectly happy and no fever but his crib (and hair) we converted in puke
Kept him home just in case but other than not eating alot he seems fine.
Grace's bug was fast moving. She only threw up for about 4 hours and then was just off for a few days, didn't eat a lot but never got sick again. No fever I don't think??
Hopefully if it was the stomach bug, it's on it's way out.
BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
missing my baby everyday
BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d