I work for a relationship marketing company that works directly with pharmaceutical companies to design and develop online & digital marketing campaigns for specific diseases & drugs.
As the bookkeeper, I don't have a lot of hands on interaction with our programs and I've been assigned to our competitive radar committee. Basically, keeping a pulse on what's going on in the industry. Which leads me to my question......
Do you participate in any Facebook, LinkedIn, email or other "online" programs to manage any health conditions or just for health related info/updates? Do you use any Apps that you just can't live without regarding your health?? Do you have family members that participate in anything like this or help manage the health of any family members and could use support/online resources?
It's actually pretty interesting stuff....where the future of medicine is going in the digital space. I just found an app for migraine suffers that helps you track your symptoms, triggers and medication you take to help your dr. RX you. http://www.iheadacheapp.com/
You could email me or PM any info you are willing to share.
Re: A few ?? about managing your health
i do not use anything digital to maintain our health records, etc... but thankfully we don't have that much to manage.
My friend who's son has MITO has been looking for a good app that she can manage her son's health records on - i don't think she has found anything yet... she wants something that she can easily share info with docs, etc, since her son's dx is so involved.
the migraine app looks like a great way for someone who is new to figuring out their triggers, etc (i have that all figured out from years ago but would have been great to have an app back then).
An IBS app would have been good for me last year - i looked for one but didn't find anything IBS specific... would have been nice to easily log in foods eaten, reaction by my gut, etc
Thanks ladies! Keep the info coming.
I work in pharma marketing. We have designed and developed these for drugs. Certain drug require daily use and patients need to be reminded to take them or to "stay complaint" with how a drug should be taken, at night, with food etc. Diabetes and cardio disease are like this.
But no personally I do not use one but I do not have chronic health condition, I might if I did.
i use the total baby app to track everything about my 10 month old. I have since the day she was born. I initially wanted to use it to track nursing stuff but i use it to track everything with her from diapers to sleep to eating. With four kids I just can't remember when i did what so this helps me keep track. Also she is on medication and has been since 3 months old that i had to track and set reminders for. that has be very helpful.
For me I have started using the pink pad free app. After my 4th was born I had my tubes tied.. between that and breastfeeding I had no idea when my period would show up and what kind of pattern would emerge. So I have been using that to help me.
Regina, google best health apps, or best pharma/drug apps. I have quite a few reports on what they have been in the past.
fitbit.com (I also wear a device from there)
myfitness pal
lots 2 lose
I'm sure there's more.. I'm a data junkie.