"of a lovely lady who was dreaming of three very lovely girls"... j/k!
If you follow the AGP page on Facebook, then you may have read that I was making an announcement today.
I've been on The Nest longer than I've been AGP, so I wanted to let my fellow Nesties in on the news as well. To quash the rumor, no, I am not pregnant with triplets!
The big announcement that I mentioned a few weeks ago is that we're moving. My husband has accepted a position in St. Petersburg, Florida, and our family will be leaving Colorado in June. This is definitely a bittersweet time for me personally and professionally. Colorado has been our home for 10 years; yet, we are incredibly blessed in that we will be able to return to the place where we met. In a sense, we are going home again. Not many people get to do that.
So, there you have it! In June I'll become of those long-distance Nesties. Don't worry, you won't be able to get rid of me that easily!
Re: Here's the story
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
I just sprayed water all over the screen - Thank goodness it wasn't the Mt Dew I have been chugging lately.
And now, this.
Ok now that that is out of the way - congrats to N, I am sure it is an amazing position, and it is nice that you are headed back down that way. (I guess, because I am trying not to let my selfish show all over the place.)
Get a giant house so we can all come visit on scary Nestie lady trips. (I cook in exchange for shelter and booze.)
Uh oh, here it comes again dang, thought I had that under control, and then I thought about Coop being phototgraphed by another, and I got all gushy again.
(Still congrats though.)
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
I KNEW it!!! I knew you weren't cavorting around in Florida so often without some new news coming down the pipe. Boo!
We'll miss ya, woman.
Congrats on the move. I am sure that is exciting.
WAH, though You better come back and visit, missy.
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
Katie Talks About...
Ponder-ing whether or not to become a Viking's fan
Congrats on the move, but dangit, you were supposed to take #2's newborn photos/family photos later this year!
Good luck in the new adventure, but we'll be sad to see you leave.
my read shelf:
I kind of liked my triplets rumor better though than you moving.
Growing Up Olson
Boo to us, but Yay for you!
I hope you stick around the board though!
Liz's Yarn
4 losses: Blighted ovum 1/11, CP 12/11, CP 3/12, and our perfectly healthy baby girl Charlotte Grace, missed M/C 5/31/12 at 8w5d
Surprise unmedicated BFP 9/21/12!! Beta #1 9/22 (10 DPO): 46 Beta #2 9/24 (12 DPO): 226! Heartbeat 136 bpm at 7w! It's a BOY! Theodore Joshua 5/23/13 7:36am 7lb 13 oz, 19.25 in
I'm excited for you that you're going back to a place you love. Welcome to group of honorary Colorado Nesties!!
I'm going to be there in November with the rest of the sparkly bitches like Ziggy said, so you better be too!!
Holy cow, we're going to have a little sister!!
That's my goal!
Flossie has to come visit before you leave.
Congrats! I know how much you love it there!! And we'll always have the interwebz.