Hey girls! I need some help, and I have never lurked or posted on the pets board, so I have no idea what people are like over there.
I figured I would start here since I know there are a lot of dog owner?s on here.
We have a 14 yr old Shiba Inu. Back in October, during her comp exam, they found her white blood cells to be slightly elevated.
She had a cough at that same time, so they put her on antibiotics to see if that would help. Over the next several months we tried a couple different antibiotics, steroids, did xrays and ultrasounds and found nothing abnormal, yet her white blood cell count was slowly increasing each time it was tested. Our vet at that time thought it was most likely the beginning of leukemia. She was showing no signs of discomfort or anything else, so we decided at that point we wouldn?t do a biopsy and would treat things as they came up to ensure a good quality of life for her.
2 nights ago, she started having a sneezing fit and my DH looked down and she was sneezing out blood. We got her picked up and I tried wiping her nose and it was like she had a bloody nose and it just kept coming out. She had never had anything like this before, so we called our vet who told us to go to an emergency vet office since they were closing in 5 minutes at that point. The bleeding would slow down/stop if she was laying down and resting, but as soon as she gets up moving again she starts sneezing and blood is going everywhere. While we were there, the oncologist also believed she had leukemia and gave us a few options. The first was do nothing, but we can?t do that because eventually she will become very anemic from constantly losing blood like this. The second was put her down which neither DH or I could do for a bloody nose. The third was to do a biopsy to figure out the exact type of leukemia. If their suspicions are confirmed for a specific type, we could give her an oral chemo drug at home daily. It won?t cure her, but it would hopefully slow it down and decrease it some to avoid the bleeding. We felt this was our only option as we need to at least try to give her a good quality of life. We won?t have the results until at least Friday to be able to start any treatment, so we are stuck with the bleeding at least for a few days and probably more until the chemo kicks in if that is the way we go.
Now here is my issue. She has always had free reign of the house and has never been crated. She sleeps on a bed in our bedroom. My bedroom now looks like a murder scene with blood splattered on the carpet, walls, furniture, etc. We bought a crate yesterday with the hopes she would go in that and we could contain the blood and just surround the crate with towels, etc. She whimpered and cried so much when we put her in there even with us sitting next to the crate. She was loud enough she woke up my kids. I can keep her out of the other bedrooms and out of the living room, but does anyone have any suggestions for how to get her to use the crate? We also can?t just shut her into a room as she will scratch and scratch at the door. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Re: Need help with our dog.....
I would just rehome her. Kidding!
I'm so sorry. Can you put up baby gates to confine her to your bathroom, or some other uncarpeted area?
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Growing Up Olson
Mama's Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird
We purposely got a crate that was open so she could see us and we did put treats in last night, but she didn't care (she was also still a little loopy from the vet yesterday).
As for baby gates - I have them up now to keep her out of the living room (where Carter mainly plays and a lot of his toys). I can also keep her in the kitchen/dining room area (which has wood floors). The problem is at night. We tried the gate at our bathroom door so she could still see us and she still just whimpered and scratched at it trying to knock it down.
Any chance she could just "cry it out". When we were crate training our pups they cried for 10 mintues and when they realized we weren't going to come over and let them out, they eventually relaxed and went to sleep.
I'd also put her in there sometimes when you're at home (not just at bed time and when you're gone). Might help her understand that it's not a punishment.
I used a kong with soy nut butter (normal people would use peanut butter) that was frozen in the kennel. Took our dogs a good hour to lose interest in those treats.
I'm so sorry your pup is sick. Poor puppy.
For crate training, I would work on it very hard. Feed the dog in the crate, treats treats treats in the crate, etc. Practice going in and out with her very favorite treats over and over, at all times of day. I think long term this is going to be your best solution. Can you put the crate in your room, so she is at least near to you and doesn't freak out and wake the kids? Maybe inside a kiddie pool if your room is large to contain the mess?
Another idea might be to look into a whelping box. They are designed to contain messes (poop, pee, etc) and usually to be easy to clean so if you could find one that was an appropriate size for your dog to lay down in it might help contain the bloody mess.
For nighttime, can you confine her to one area of the house, with baby gates, or if you are willing to spend the money, a small excercise pen would work too. You could put an exercise pen around a kiddie pool if the confinement room is large enough, or just lay down dropcloths and confining the dog to hard-floor only areas.
Again, so sorry you guys are going through this.
I am so sorry that your Shiba is sick. Sending juju and hope you guys are able to work something out with the crate or baby gates.
We also have both a large & small open wire crate if you need/want to borrow it for a bit, we don't use either of them right now