DH's cousins are coming into town for his grandmother's funeral. They bring their dogs EVERYWHERE with them and don't want them stuck in a hotel room all day on the day of the service. Grandma's estate is paying for EVERYTHING for everyone that's coming to the service (not fair for those of us who live closeby for whom it's not a vacation, right? Just kidding... sort of...) so money to send the dogs to daycare is no object ; )
When we lived in FoCo, we sent Harley to Peticular and loved them but I saw they closed! So... where do you trust?? Any horror stories?? They have two little guys and two Border Collie mixes. All friendly dogs that have never been to daycare (both cousins are students with no money).
Thanks so much for any info you have!!
Re: FoCo doggie daycare rec's?
My boss takes her dog (collie mix) here and raves about it:
http://www.comeplaystay.com/index.php (Mason & Horsetooth)
We did our training classes here and they seem nice for day care too:
http://www.caninelearningcenter.com/index.htm (much further north in FoCo)