Big thanks to her skills learned at The Little Gym for assisting in this feat. I actually watched her do it. I was in her room putting her clothes away this morning while she was playing. She goes, "Hey mama!" and kicked one leg up, scooched the other one over and slid down. At least she didn't fall....which is actually the good thing she learned at gym class.
So........what on Earth do I do? I always intended on turning her crib around as some have mentioned, so the low part was against the wall, but she climbed over the side, not the front. It may still work since she kind of did it by the corner.
She is not ready to be freely roaming her room. I am not ready for that. She pulls out all of her dresser drawers when she has access to them and either tries to climb in them (cue heart attack) or empties them. I just don't want her getting hurt.
Do crib tents actually work? I feel like that would freak her out. We do have an angelcare monitor. I'm thinking that as long as I get to her when she first wakes up there will be no need to climb. She goes right to sleep at night and for naps. This happened when she was waiting for me.
Re: It finally happened...she climbed out of her crib
We have a crib tent. My daughter was freaked out but only for a day or two. Now she's totally fine, goes in awake, we zip and say goodnight. I did feel terrible about it for a little while but she seems to be just fine
Also, we even tried the toddler bed for a couple of nights but she was just not ready for that at all! She was still under 2.
Good luck!!!!!