I'm on youtube listening to a bunch of Adele. Damn I really like her!
I should be napping cause I got little sleep at work last night and haven't been getting much for about 2 weeks but I really enjoy my 'me' time even if I am pooped! It should get better at work soon at least.
I am amazed at how pissed I get at rude drivers. Like when you can clearly see a lane is closing yet you rush to the front to merge. I swear my BP skyrockets.....so RUDE!! I had to start taking a different route in the mornings cause I was getting so mad.
I've been trying out a lot more homeade stuff and am loving the outcomes. Homeade pancakes this morning were awesome!! Gonna try egg drop soup for supper.
I should put the pancakes recipe on the recipe board. It's like a mixture of fluffy pankcakes and a hint of french toast.
I got pissed at H the other day and kicked a football helmet that was on the floor. Dammit it hurt and the top of my foot still does.
I've been trying to start temping to see if I'm ovulating and since my sleep is so whack these days it's not working so well.
Add yours....
Re: Randomness...
THIS!! Urgh I am lucky to be driving opposite of traffic on Hwy 75 (south of Bellevue) where they have been doing major construction. People start merging a good mile to two miles prior to the true merge spot and I hate when everyone tries to zoooooom by and cut at the front of the line. WAIT YOUR TURN!!
1. I feel really taken advantage of by some people.
2. Owen is on my last nerve.
3. I feel assy today. If I didnt have the mirena jammed in there, d think something was a bit off.
4. iPad autocorrect s redic.
I was the SAME way. I cried at EVERYTHING! We went to a wedding when DS was like 2 weeks old and when we got home, I cried when I was rocking him because I was thinking about when we'll do a mother/son dance at his wedding. DH had to laugh at me for that one.
It does get better once you start getting a little more sleep again!!!
Since having Jude, I feel really withdrawn from my friends..except, like, two of them...I talk to a few girls from my birth month board more than most of my IRL friends..
I never struggled with returning to work after the girls, this time, I had a hard time...Jude is so much fun to hang out with.
I gained a ridiculous amount of weight with Jude and have 10lbs left...it will not leave...
I have an unhealthy dislike for another person...and it kind of makes me laugh.
I remember crying to DH because I felt like a failure because I wasn't able to do anything with that stupid wound vac and then with breastfeeding constantly (not as bad as you), I felt like a milk factory.
Hang in there. it gets better!
Today is my Bday, and DH has been asking me for weeks what I wanted..I didn't know what to tell him till yesterday...I decided that I feel old and I want to do something spontaneous so I told him I want to go to KC this weekend just for the heck of it.
The only thing planned is finding this super cool prohibition-era themed speakeasy bar in the basement of a 100 yr old hotel...heard about it in a travel mag on a plane, and have been obsessed with it ever since!
In other news, 35 sucks..and I'll be planning on acting 25 all weekend!
I am so ready for the weekend...over this week.
N has had hives since Sunday...poor guy! Pedi said it's probably just a virus, and they've been better/almost gone the last two days so I guess it's run its course...so weird though to just randomly have him get them.
The talented Bryn just sent me a text of the costume she made for C's "Fairy Tale Ball' tomorrow at school....so excited about it!!! She rocks!
My MIL is annoying me with her constantly asking us if we are going to the "family reunion" this year in Washington....it's 4 days in July....I can't afford to fly 6 people there, and I'm not driving...so no. Stop asking.
I'm so over this week....did I say that?
I'm ready to smack SIL in the face. She is throwing a massive fit about me getting pregnant before her wedding. She doesn't want "fat" people standing next to her, making her look bad. Last time i checked, I'm not fat.
I haven't done anything the past 2 days but sleep, and lay on the couch watching Private Practice from the beginning. (Thank you netflix!) Oh, and eat. I'm like a teenage boy, I eat everything in site.
I have a massive headache I can't seem to get rid of.
I sent DH a text telling him to bring home one of those stuffed cheesy breads from Dominio's, just because they look so dang yum.
<a href="http://s992.photobucket.com/albums/af50/muymuey/Sept 12 Badges/?action=view