does your house get ridiculously dusty really fast?
Example: We got a new tv for the bedroom, took it out of the box and put it on the dresser on Sunday. Yesterday I had to wipe it down.
Is there anything I can do to reduce the dust? I vacuum 3x a week, swiffer, mop, and dust at least 1x a week, if not more, and i'm constantly chasing around dust bunnies in our bedroom. The rest of the house isn't that bad - but it seems like the bedroom needs to be dusted just about daily.
We change the air filter every 3 months (whether it needs it or not), and I just recently took the vents off the walls and vacuumed those the best I could.
Could it be time for a full air duct cleaning?
We do have 2 dogs, so our house is hairier than not having 2 dogs, but it's mostly actual dust that is building up, not dog hair tumbleweeds.
Re: If you have forced air...
When was the last time you had it cleaned?
We change our filters every three months too and our house is always totally covered in dust. Doesn't matter how often I dust. I blame it on the dog, the wood floors and the forced air. Supposedly all of the construction that has been going on around here hasn't helped either, so I should probably look into having our system cleaned too, but I hated the company who did it the last time.... let me know if you find someone good!
We have never cleaned it, and i'm not sure if the owners have ever had it cleaned...
It's something i've considered asking them to do for us, except then our a/c died, and our oven died, etc - so it wasn't really a priority.
But it's seriously gross in our bedroom. It makes my skin crawl that you can actually see dust clinging to the walls a week after I dust.
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
We have forced air and unfortunately I find a bit more dust in my house than I used to when we rented (and didn't have forced air). We change our filters every 6 months - the kind we have to buy are the big box ones that are good for 6 months - and our thermostant will tell us when it's time to change.
We haven't a good cleaning since we moved in but the previous owners were religious about it.. I really think that's the difference. We HAVE to dust but I only do it on the weekend. DH and I are too tired during the week to do it.
We just had our air ducts cleaned, and the company said we are supposed to do it every 4 to 5 years. They could, of course, but overestimating to create business, but I'm not sure. I didn't watch when they were doing it, but DH said it was pretty gross to see what was coming out.
And just to give you an idea, it cost us $695 for a single family home, and this didn't include the dryer vents, which was another $125. So it's not cheap, but one of those necessary evils.
This EPA site might help.