I mentioned yesterday that Landon had a bloody poop, so the pedi is having me cut dairy for 2 days then reintro it and see what happens.
If you have a child with a dairy allergy, or know anything about it, I have a few questions:
1- He hasn't had any bloody poop since the 1 and is acting normal... could it be a fluke?
2- If it is a dairy allergy, is cutting dairy out of my diet for 2 days long enough? Kellymom says 2 weeks but I'm trying to trust my doctor and not the internet... (and to prove it I'm asking for advice on the internet lol, I'm aware of the irony..)
3-Should I insist on having them test a diaper? Or just assume no bloody poop=no allergy?
4-Also, his pediatrician said I can eat stuff made with dairy (cake/cookies/crackers/etc.) but she wanted me to cut whole dairy like cheese/milk. Is this typical?
Re: Baby with dairy allergy
No, not a lot, but enough for me to notice. He's not uncomfortable at all, which is what surprises me. As to your other question they say most babies develop it by 2 months, he's 2.5 months, so who knows. My instincts are saying it's a fluke (or maybe it's my hopes and dreams saying it's a fluke bc I love dairy lol)
Brady has dairy allergy but it diagnosed till after his 1st birthday because he never had the blood in stool. In order for us to properly test we had to eliminate it for 2 weeks then doing testing. You can have the RAST done but they say when they are under the age of 2 it is not accurate all the time. Brady never showed signs of being uncomfortable after having it either but he did have eczema which they say is another sign.