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As you get older, are you "becoming" your mother? (or father, or any other "adult" figure that you swore you'd never be as nutty/neurotic/etc. as)
Re: QOTD Friday
Dear Lord, yes, I am my mother. She sent me an email subject "OMG" last week to tell me about the new clothes at Gymboree. Which I had just found the night before and loved every bit as much as her. I see myself giving DD little public service announcements about drugs and sex and such as she gets older like my mom did, since I'm already throwing out little one or two sentence explanations about toddler-appropriate things. I now understand why she did so many of the weird things she did when I was a kid, although thankfully I'm not quite as OCD as she is. (Hopefully that's not something I'll grow into in time.)
But honestly there are worse people to become. She's kind, funny, thoughtful and always willing to help if I let her. I wouldn't mind if people thought of me that way.
I totally am.
- I hate driving in the dark, bad weather, etc. Thanks, Mom.
- I have postponed leaving our house by 4 hours so that I could do a top to bottom last minute cleaning "because I don't like to come home to a messy house". Thanks, Mom.
- I'll bend over backwards to help a stranger out, but will rarely ask my best friend/DH/family member to help my with something "because I don't want to impose"... Thanks, Mom.
- I have been heard to utter the phrase "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are" and "You can put a tuxedo on a gorilla, but you've still got a gorilla". Thanks, Dad.
I can't even list all of the ways that I am turning into my mother - which I'm totally okay with because I think that she is a really wonderful, amazing woman and I'd love to be just like her in 95% of her ways - but I don't think a day goes by when I don't stop and think "oh my God, I swore I'd never do that" or where my sister says "huh, you sound just like Mom." Guess I should be grateful that she's passed along a lot of positive traits along with all of those neurotic ones...
Poor DH. Wonder if he's realized it yet?
god, i hope not.
i've tried really hard to not fall into my mom's bad habits. REALLY HARD.
I mean, I've got plenty of annoying/bad things about myself, they just are different that my mom's.
We might be sisters, as we apparently have the same mother. I, too, find myself having the same gestures or mannerisms as my mother, a lot more often than I like.... But I know I will never be as Judgy McJudgerson as her bc oh, Lord, she has become SO judgy as she has gotten older. And whiny about everything. Makes it very hard for any of us (her three girls) to WANT to spend time with her. I am making every effort I can to NOT be that way as I grow older.
"What is a week-end?"
I've always kind of been my mom when it comes to a lot of things. I think that is why we butted heads sometimes when I was a teenager.
I don't think I am becoming any more like her, but DH definitely has always noticed how much like her I am.
Stand up for something you believe in.
I have made a huge effort to not become either one of my parents! I mean, the good parts of them are great but the other things, well I don't want those habits :-)
Not really, but her and I share the bad habit of worrying. I've noticed it more as I went to college and started my adult life. I'm sure it will be even more of a battle when we have kids someday. To be fair though, I don't think I totally got this from her- a lot of things that have happened in my life have caused me to be this way.
Planning Bio
According to my dad, i've been exactly like my mother since I was about 13. So, I can imagine it's only gotten worse since then. lol
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
not really, i am almost the opposite of her in a lot of ways. she's the middle child, a textbook people-pleaser to her own detriment and i'm an only child and generally about doing what is best for me & DH. i do consider myself to be thoughtful and if you're in my inner circle, i will do anything for you but that is possible to do without being walked on. i love my mom but the fact that she continues to allow herself to be a doormat has been an issue for years. to the point that DH & i are no longer going to spend christmas with my family.
i am totally a control freak and my mom really likes to point that out. one of the things that made me love DH was that after meeting her a few times, he pointed out that while my mom likes to talk about how i'm a control freak, she's actually rather controlling herself. but that she was/is just more underhanded and then complains when something doesn't go the way she had wanted it to. thank you, mr. cheeky!!
KtotheJ: my mom is all about the not "imposing" and in that way, i am a little like her in that regard. though i will "impose", i just make sure to give whoever i am imposing on plenty of wine or baked goods!
My mom has completely lost her filter and believes at 84 she can say whatever she wants to whomever she wants. It is horrifying!
Same here. My mother is a genuinely nice, caring, thoughtful person. I think she did a great job raising me. However, she has some personality traits and behavior that drive me nuts, and I'm doing my best not to follow in her footsteps in those areas.
I wish I were more like my mom. She's just awesome. She's always positive, generous, caring, efficient, hard-working, and to boot, she's hot! She's my role model and we're good friends.
I'm more like my dad, who is laid back, says anything, is rational and adventurous, yet when he found something he liked, he was consistent about it. For instance, we'd always go to the same restaurant almost every week and he'd order the same thing. I like to mix it up a little with the restaurants, but I definitely order the same thing each time. He also liked puzzles and solitaire, and I'm addicted to those things, too.
I do not want to be like my mom at all, and thankfully I am not. My husband told me just the other night "I'm so glad you're not like your mom!"
Sometimes I do take after my dad's reasoning, but he is awesome
I'm definitely becoming more like my dad. We have a lot of similar traits that are becoming more pronounced as I get older--we are both pretty stubborn, and once we get an idea into our heads it's hard to get past it. One of the things that irks DH is that I get an idea of how something should be done (or, I know how I want it done) and I'm not very open to hearing other ideas. My dad is the same way.
On a more positive side, I also find myself following some of his other traits--it used to drive me crazy, but he always wanted to drive the "scenic" route, and I do that more and more. He's also crazy about kids (ahem--this totally runs in the family), and connected to his family, and I am getting closer to my family as I get older/started a family of my own.
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
baby blog/cooking blog

Ha! That reminds me. When I was younger, I used to make fun of my dad for always parking in the same place and going in the same entrance at the mall, because he was familiar with the layout that way and would know where his car was parked, etc. I thought it was so silly, and now I do the exact same thing. For the same reasons.
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
baby blog/cooking blog

I adored my grandmother for her bright smile, extroversion, friendliness, socialness, and silliness, all of which I think she passed to my mom, who passed it to me. I love that we have these things in common and enjoy being with her when she's not under the thumb of my dad. (and sometimes even when she is)
Everything else about us is very individual - not bad, not perfect, but we're just different. We live in different worlds and have some really different beliefs, especially about relationships and religion.
you can impose on me anytime!!