I know... I should never take medical information from the internet but I was just curious if anyone has experienced this before with their kids (or yourself).
On Monday morning Katelyn woke up with a really red eye. A little puss but nothing major. No pain, irritation or itching... appeared the only issue was the redness. I don't believe it bothered her at all. Tue she woke up with the same thing but by Wed. morning the eye was completely cleared up. On Wed. she had a diaper blow out (very unusual for her). We had to put her on a HIGH fiber diet 4 months ago because of her constipation and hard stools.... so this wet one was really out of the norm (sorry if that is TMI). Today she has a low fever (99-100.3).
I thought about taking her to the doctor but she isn't acting sick at all. She's up, running around and acting like her normal self. She's happy.. smiling/laughing and eating well. Obviously I don't want to be that paranoid parent and I'm thinking it isn't anything major. I just haven't experienced these symptoms before so I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or has seen something similar?
Re: Can you play doctor?
i wouldn't worry, but i'm a non-helicopter kinda parent. a lot of the little virus type things will work themselves out, and there are a lot of things that can cause a big diaper-- especially on a high fiber diet.
that isn't a high enough fever for me to freak out about. if she appeared to not be feeling well, i'd take her in. i'd avoid playdates or other little ones for a couple of days, probably.
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