We're sending him to CSU for a necropsy. Pfizer has agreed to pay for it, which I thinks shows A) their interest and their lack of knowledge about their own drugs.
I've been in conversation with the old vet- we are giving him until Sunday Feb 28th to determine his amount of financial responsibility. If he doesn't step up or we deem the amount unfair, we are "exploring other avenues" starting that day.
Old vet claimed poisioning still wasn't the top of his differential: that he feels my cat has an anatomic deformity (portal shunting) or FIP. Well, we got an U/S (worthless medically) to do NOTHING other than prove this wasn't the case. FIP? My cat did not have a fever or any signs of an infectious process. But he's also calling his "buddies" at Pfizer and determining "their level of responsibility." What? I thought my cat was a freak and it wasn't the drug!
If at a minimum we get some kind of warning out there to NEVER, EVER mix Azithromycin (liver metabolism) and Revolution (liver metabolism) = liver failure and death, we will be happy.
But honestly, we have an air tight case and I do not expect to have to pay all of this $3200 bill myself.... The fact of the matter is, I don't think most people have the money to see these things out to the end and they get swept under the carpet.
I thank god we have a $3800 tax return coming in to cover all of this.... but we've cancelled all of our vacations for the year and we've lost 2 young cats in a matter of 4 months and we are devastated.
Time for some answers! Show them everything Big Ernie- you were wronged and I know it.
Re: Big 'Ern is going to teach the vet world and Pfizer about the dangers of these meds
I hope so too.
When Fluff was first sick back in early 2008, our old vet diagnosed her with FIP. She was 3 1/2 years old and when I compared her panels to FIP panels, there was nothing that made the FIP diagnosis cut & dried. Had we just accepted FIP as her dx, she would have died of the kidney stones that she really had.
We didn't take action, we just found a new vet. But just like with humans, it's always best to find a second opinion and question anything you don't think looks or sounds right.
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PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.