New Jersey Nesties
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The beginning of a weird Sunday.
We have no hockey today. This hasn't happened since Christmas week. Travis is still sleeping. That is just strange all by itself.the two together - very strange!
Where in world would you like me to ship you?

My boys - I am so screwed in about 7 years.
What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?
Re: The beginning of a weird Sunday.
i actually have a question about son is very athletic and actually a very good skater. he is interested in hockey. we live in a hockey ( TYPE A hockey town) however he is also part of a competitive gymnastics team and his first competition year is next year. we can't do 2 travel sports and the only way we can really do gymnastics is because its only about 5 meets a year, and not all of them involve travel; also I can drop him off at practices, we happen to live very close to the gym. I can't travel 2 hours every weekend on a regular basis for husband works 1-2 weekends a month and it wouldn't be fair to my daughter to drag her around like that every weekend. is there any way to do hockey as more of a REC thing???? it seems like every hockey team/parent around here is vying for D1 scholarships at the age of 7 and we just want to find something casual for there no such thing in hockey??
When Corey started out we had him skate for about 7 months. Then we moved him over to the hockey program. Our rink had 3 levels of skills that needed to be completed. I don't remember how long they were, but they were once a week. The kids had to used to wearing the equipment, then skating with their sticks, then using their sticks properly. I think it was a good 6 months of so of just basic stuff like this.
The next step was in-house or rec level hockey. Kids that age use 1/3 cross ice. Corey did that for about a year or so. Its cute - especially at that age b/c the idea is the more puck touches the better.
There is usually a fall session (sept - nov) winter (nov - march) and spring (march - may/june)
If I remember correctly the rec league was one practice night and one weekend morning game. They are grouped by age not usually by skill level. Corey did play up, but its not the norm. He also played a season of both travel and rec. Travel was his age group, rec was a level up.
I hope I answered your questions - if you have anything else let me know. I am not sure what rink(s) are by you so they might deviate a little from rink to rink.
Do some research on this first - please. Under 12 would make me nervous.
You are combining mite (7/8), squirt (9/10) and peewee (11/12) if they let all the kids play together. Thats a huge age and size range to just lump together.
its for kids under twelve grouped by age not all kids under 12 in the same group.