Its a d@mn good thing our laundry room is right below our kitchen! Cooper is confined to the main level of our house right now & he was in the kitchen watching me as I ran downstairs to change the laundry, literally as soon as I ran down the stairs I heard him overhead walking over to our kitchen counter where I have some chicken out thawing that he's been eyeing all day, & then heard the telltale sound of 2 feet leaving the ground.
I BOLTED back upstairs crashing through the babygate we have blocking the stairs yelling his name, rounded the corner just in time to see his 2 front feet hitting the floor. He didn't eat any of it, I think he just licked it. He's gave me the guilty face as I placed the plate of chicken down in the kitchen sink so he can't get at it!
Little turd!
Re: My post-op countersurfing dog!