My husband and I put Danny down for a nap this afternoon. We could hear that Danny wasn't sleeping but he wasn't crying or anything - just making little play noises here and there. All of a sudden, he was IN OUR ROOM. He had totally climbed out of the crib and out of his room and into ours.
So we try to get him back in his crib, and he says he doesn't WANT to sleep in his crib. He points down the hall towards the extra room where the racecar (toddler) bed is and says he wants to sleep in that. I'm totally not ready to give up the crib, but we figured we'd see how he does. So we brought the bed into his room, did a quick baby-proof of the room, and set him up. We go back to our room and we can see him on the monitor kind of walking around but eventually gets in the bed and covers himself.
Great, right?
I go shower while my husband goes downstairs. While I'm in the shower I can hear Danny in his room but he sounds totally fine. I get dressed and go in there to just get him up.
And then my life changes.
Picture a crime scene, only instead of blood, imagine shiit. Shiit everywhere. But not just regular shiit - no, that would be too easy. This was GREEN shiit, like Canadian-geese green shiit. EVERYWHERE. Smeared on the carpet, on the bed, on the sheets, on the WALL, on the upholstered chair. EV-ER-Y-WHERE. I didn't know what to do - I actually turned around and walked out, lol. By now my parents were here and I just ran down the stairs yelling, "Oh my god! I don't know what to do!!! I don't know what to do!! Oh my god!"
My husband got a little pissed at me, because I guess I sounded like something was really WRONG, so I felt bad, but... I didn't know what to do!!! So by now Danny comes out, naked with shiit caked onto his ass and legs. Everyone goes upstairs to see, and part of me wishes I had taken a picture, lol.
Obviously, he got his bath a little early today, and I got some quality time with our upholstery cleaner. And, needless to say, he's in the crib tonight and that toddler bed ain't comin' out for a looooong time.
Re: Someday I'll look back on this and laugh, right?
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
My nephew did the exact same thing on Easter Sunday. He woke up from his nap right after we got there and SIL asked me to go get him while she finished up in the kitchen.
He had been up for a while obviously and there was shiit everywhere - except he had thrown it everywhere because he was still in a crib.
You'll look back and laugh. And I agree, totally should have gotten pictures. Perfect for the first time he brings a girlfriend home
I think I would have had the same reaction, although I am laughing from your description. I can just see you dragging that toddler bed right back out of the room, lol!
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
You'll look back and laugh....when you tell it to his fiancee someday!!
Ugh! I hope there's wine involved in your evening tonight!
Yet another reason to add to the list of reasons why I'm keeping Alana in her crib until the very last minute!
Ugh, I'm sorry!!
Not a newbie, but, had to create a new account - formerly LBR_NJ
My Blog - "Helping Make Sense"
i'm so sad you don't have a picture!!! LOL.
that is my fear... whenever I smell sh!t and i'm on the way upstairs I'm always afraid I'll see that... you poor thing.
but damn it's funny.
I'm not laughing because I'm too afraid!!!
Me too. I read it to B and could barely get through it. Thank god my kid is a neat-freak like daddy and doesn't like dirty hands. Lol! You could've won 100k on America's Funniest Videos.
Your comments are hilarious!
Natalie, yes, be VERY afraid. My first one is so good - Tara, he's like E and hates getting his hands dirty. Though actually, his hands were pretty clean - I think he just took the diaper off and it fell out and he stepped in it and tracked it all over. I don't know about how it got on the wall except that maybe he walked by it or leaned over or something.
Lisa, we are definitely not ready for a bed, especially after that. We put him back into the crib last night and reminded him to call for us in the morning so he doesn't get hurt. It worked this morning... one day at a time, I guess!
And onesies used to be a night-time only thing for us, but I am rethinking that for sure.
What a disaster. This one is keeping me on my toes, that's for damn sure!
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
Very, very similar incident Bella and me, at our shore house over the summer. THANK GOD my mom was there with us...that's all I can say about it right now without throwing up all over my laptop.
I feel for you.
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part of me is really sorry i opened this post. because this is probably the 5th time i have heard of something like this happening, and i have a feeling it will happen to me too one day. why do kids do this?! what goes on in their heads?! YUCK!
i read your post with my mouth open like 'ohmygodno...ohmygodno...nonono'