We went to my in-laws for dinner tonight and took Collins with us but left Ziva here. There's lots of excitement that goes on at my in-laws and therefore Ziva would almost guaranteed over do it. We just got home and Ziva was happy, following Collins to say hi and just completely wiped out. Like all four legs spread out sliding across the wood floor.
She got up and wouldn't put weight on it. I brought her onto the carpet and just about lost it. We gave her some of her pain meds and she's already putting a little bit of weight on it so who knows what she did but
I'm hoping it was more the shock of "OMG that hurt!" than anything else. If not, vet call in the morning...
Updated: She seems to have zero limp so far this morning. And since its raining I'm HOPING she won't want to go outside to play as much. She's kinda dopey though so that probably won't work... Thanks so much everyone for the kind words! We didn't have any anti-inflammatories left, just the pain pills but they seem to have done the trick
Sorry Ziva, you're getting a laid back day! Thank God both DH and I have the day off!
Re: well that pretty much made me cry... Updated!
Oh NOOOOO!!! Im SO sorry hun! ::Hugs::
Its ok, its ok, just breathe! Ok, pain meds, good. Next, get some ice on it... & then for sure keep her activity to a minimum (sorry Z, but its for your own good)
For sure I'd call the Vet in the am if she's limping at all, or completely non-weightbearing. If anything just to keep them updated on whats been going on so they have record of it too...just in case. Don't worry though! I don't mean to say that to freak you out! Its just I work in healthcare, & the more you document the better!
It'll be ok! Try to get some sleep & try not to worry! I know its pretty much impossible not to, but, sh!t happens. I've witnessed Cooper do things that have literally made me cringe/cry/shriek/etc...Lol. But most of them haven't even caused him to even slow down a step! & the others he's just shaken off/walked off...Luckily for us, nothing serious ever came of them, & I hope the same goes for you!
GL! & be sure to update me & let me know how she is tomorrow!
Thanks! Deep breaths are a good thing. I worry too much as it is, plus I'm hormonal. God help DH....
Good idea on the ice, I didn't think of that (which really... me of all people with my accident prone-ness, should have).
She's currently on the couch, head in my lap. I got up to get my phone and she gave me the most pitiful eyes.... Poor Ziva!!
Aw poor baby! She probably is still learning to use hers legs properly. Maybe her muscles were just tired and that is why she fell. It seems like a setback, but I wouldn't worry (I'd probably cry like you though because my dog is my baby). Does she have antiinflamatories or just pain meds? Antiinflamatories might be better at this point, but ask your vet.
If she is already using it a teeny bit, think positive that it'll get better with rest overnight, but definitely watch her in the morning.
I'm pretty sure my dog surprised herself a few times after ACL surgery. She would be running (of course when she was allowed to again), then pivot like she did before surgery, then yell. Not like an omg that hurt yelp, but more like a that felt weird wtf yell. Sometimes she would limp a little at first, but then she quit limping, then quit yelling. I think she was just learning about her knee again.
Youre doing well, meds and ice. Good luck!
Yeah she's definitely getting a laid back day, much to her sister's disappointment. The last thing I need is to start this process all over again!!