er, Tree House, that is - Coop seems to be in teething hell.
I tootled off to my interview this morning (went well - but we shall see if they thought so too, eh?)
Poor Tiny is beside himself from the teething woe. Mornings, when the advil has kind of worn off over night, seem to be the worst - until we can get some pain stuff back on board.
Or at least I am 95% sure that is what it is. You can see his two big old front top teeth just a pushin' away on his gums, straining to get out. (Oww, looks hurty.)
He will chew things for a bit, but nothing that he wants to do for over a few minutes. Not cold wash cloths, chewy rings, teething beads, frozen or unfrozen fruit, pacis, fingers (well, he does like his own, but not as much as usual,) and, what seems to be the most dreaded of all, he is not keen on sucking on his bottles AT ALL. No matter what I put in them. He will take about 3 oz at a time, so I have just been uping the number of times he is eating a day, but it is still lower than usual. We are having plenty of wet dipes, and (sob) real tears from his tiny baby eyes, so I know he isn't dehydrated for now - but I feel AWFUL for him.
I am close to trying the amber necklace, which I know some around here swear by, but I can't see myself leaving it on him, even on his foot, without being nervous about choking, strangulation, and a bunch of other dangers that I am sure my mind will invent given time.
He is still getting over illness too, so I am kind of a hyper-monitoring freak job of a mom about it all - but I really think it is his teeth bugging him at this point.
Poor Jr.
Re: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
I'll be glad to loan you my amber necklace, if you want.
Sorry you are struggling! DD did pretty well with teething for the most part, but she had the occasional tooth that was rough on her.
Oh yes ma'am - my D.O. hippie-mom Dr Sissy loves them, and he does seem to do better because of them.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Has your pedi re-checked his ears? I think I remember you saying he was fighting an ear infection within the last two weeks.
R was on antibiotics for hers, and it seemed to get better, but by day 5 of Amox she was a mess again. The pedi re-checked her and sure enough - new infection. She needed a stronger course of antibiotics to get it under control and seems to be doing better/less cranky now.
Guess there's a pretty resistent strain of something going around.
Yes ma'am - They are looking good - she was the one who finally helped me get a good look at his angry little sprouting teeth last week when we were in. OW!!
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Ok, good - at least you can rule that out! Not that that helps much.