DS has been PT'd for a few months now and really has no accidents relating to pee. However, number 2 is a whole different story. He has a #2 accident about every other day, maybe 4 times a week. I really think he doesnt know its coming until its too late. If anyone has any suggestions to help this, Id love to hear them but my real question relates to laundry. Id prefer to just do a load of his underwear like 1x a week when I do laundry but I cant let his dirty underwear sit for more than a day or so without them stinking (even after rinsing them as much as possible). Any suggestions? Can I just seal them up in a zip lock or something or will that just make things worse?
Re: PT'ing help needed
I'd probably wash some towels a bit more frequently than usual to even out the load of laundry. Could you ask him to sit on the potty every time he feels like he has to pass gas? It could also be he is confusing the feeling and it's a better to be safe than sorry thing. GL!
ETA: and color me jealous. DS is just NOW expressing PTing interest.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Ponder-ing whether or not to become a Viking's fan
With cloth diapers, you wouldn't let diapers sit for longer than a couple of days, 3 at the most, without stink issues.
Do they smell after you wash them? Like poop? If so, I'd try adding a cold soak/rinse to the cycle before you run the regular wash. Then some vinegar in the rinse.
Thanks everyone!
I do try to catch him in the act and rush him to the bathroom but he's had accidents at school too. I actually have been throwing some of his underwear out (and buying cheap), figuring its still cheaper than diapers but it seems crazy.
They definitely dont stink after washing at all and they look good as new so its more of an issue with not wanting to do laundry all the time. My work clothes are almost all dry clean and my gym washes my gym clothes so its really just DS's stuff and towels, sheets. I can generally do everything in one load with a color catcher so it seems like such a waste to have to do more loads! Hopefully, he will get better about this soon!
What fabulous gym do you go to? That is an awesome perk!
No kidding! That might get me to work out.
Colorado Athletic Club My laundry would literally quadruple if I had to wash all my gym/running clothes!