So I am out vacuuming the inside of my car when two dogs come barreling up my driveway after a cat and run through the neighbor's yard chasing it. I call to them and the female pit bull comes to me wagging. I get her collar and her name and get my phone to call the owner. Get ahold of him, he's happy, and I take the dogs to the end of the driveway to wait for him. They're just happy, and I even sit on the ground with them and the pibble gives me kisses.
The young boy (~13ish) comes out of the house across the street with a baseball bat and sees me, and yells inside to his sister if these are the dogs she was talking about. She comes out and they're just shocked I'm hanging out with these dogs because one is a pit bull. The girl says "Most people wouldn't even call the owner!" I said that was the first thing I did and the owner was coming to get them. They go inside.
Then my next door neighbor, older lady, comes out and says she had called animal control. I told her the owner was coming to get them. She said she had been about ready to shoot them (I guess chasing cats means they're vicious?)! I said oh no no, they're good dogs, he'll be right here to get them. She doesn't say anything and goes inside.
What the ever loving...? I seriously want to canvass this neighborhood with flyers on pit bulls and handling loose dogs. They were tagged and chipped and the owner was relieved to get them back, they had gotten into the neighbor's yard with the dog there and then got out and went for a fun run. He'd been looking for them for about two hours. If I hadn't been out there (or someone else that would have actually tried to grab them) then what?
People be crazy.
Re: People in my neighborhood be crazy re: loose dogs
Wow! I agree - you're neighborhood be crazy!
Glad you found them!
I would totally be one of those people! I got supplies from my house to go help a girl get a pregnant dog who had been roaming a grass lot for weeks and we took her to animal control who got her to a rescue. I could believe the kids' reaction because a lot of people around here have the usual pit bull misconceptions. I think the old lady just thought chasing cats = vicious dogs = Ima shoot it (I am in TX after all).