We took the kids on a plane. We've done car trip vacations and Ava generally hasn't done well after a few days away - terrible sleep leads to terrible days. We knew that with a plane to Florida, we wouldn't be able to cut out early.
And we survived traveling with two very well! Had fun visiting family and friends, butterfly world, delray beach, the girls' u-pick strawberry patch and adorable kitschy store, and festival flea market. They rocked at the airport and the extra cost for bulk row seats was worth it for Sam to have done walking space. For Ava, it was like wearing at seatbelt in the living room - movies and snacks kept her occupied.
The only sucky parts: Sam had a terrible fall into a piece of furniture in our suite and still has a bad goose egg and bruise on her forehead and Ava got sick the last day - pedi confirmed it was strep the day after we got home.
Re: Dh and I conquered our greatest fear