West Coast Florida Nesties
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Anyone want to stalk my registeries?
Re: Anyone want to stalk my registeries?
Oh sorry, I thought it would bring you right there. The reigstry # is 47786229.
Here is another link to amazon too: http://www.amazon.com/registry/baby/13JEVFY4XR3E2
I only saw 1 swaddle blanket, add more. Those things were lifesavers.
Also, when it comes to bottles and pacifiers, I would add singles of different kinds. It seems like every baby likes something different, so its nice to have a variety to try. Q never took a paci, so I was glad I didn't have a bunch sitting around.
my read shelf:
Here is my two cents
I don't think that you need a Boppy protective cover. I only had to wash mine once (on a gentle cycle) and it fit perfectly in the machine.
I would register for 1 pack of cute burp clothes for your diaper bag and get the white 3ply cloth diapers for at home. They work better imo and you get more for the $$.
We used and LOVED the Halo sleepsacks but stopped using them at Small. Lila is a year old and still fits in a small. We only use them as backups now if all of her footed fleece pjs are dirty. She doesn't like them now and will bust out of/ un-zip them. We stopped using them around 9mos. We had 2 Halo swaddles in size x-small and 2 Halo sleepsacks in size Small.
We bought 1 pack of receiving blankets and ended up buying 2 or 3 more packs. Everyone/where online says that they aren't useful but I used them a bunch. Mostly as light blankets in the carseat but also as burp cloths and swaddles. I plan to cut them up soon and turn them into reusable wipes.
I have the turtle water temp tester and have never used it. Your wrist works better. It made no sense to me to fill up the tube and then drop that in to see if the temp was okay. If it is hot on your wrist, its hot to the baby.
I would register for more mitts. Their skin is really flaky and you will want to wash them after every use. (eta: I noticed you have girl mitts on there, I don't know if that is a mistake?)
I would recommend buying washable nursing pads, if you plan on nursing. You will go through a TON of disposable ones. I did not stop leaking until about 9mos. I am sticking out breastfeeding until 1yr... counting down the days!!! lol.
The hospital gave me tons of the nipple cream, I never had to buy any. If you ask for samples, they will 'hook you up'.
I only bought 1 changing pad cover and bought a 2pk of waterproof liners (I think it is like $10 for 2) to place on top. I fold them in 1/2 and during blowouts/ poo-tastrophies, I was able to fold it the other way so that I didn't have to worry about ripping everything off to get her clean. They I threw the liner in the wash and placed a new one on top.
You don't need Dreft, although the smell is amazing. You can use any free & clear laundry soap and wash your clothes with your LO's. I miss the smell of Dreft but not the price.
Size 2 diapers is around when you will switch to regular swaddlers. You will get a lot more diapers for the money.
I don't see a bouncer (seat) or jumper/jumperoo. My daughter has both the jumper and excersaucer and loves them both. I still use the excersaucer to keep her in one place when I am taking a shower or doing dishes but she LOVES to bounce in her jumper.
I also recommend a noise machine. The white noise really helped her sleep in the beginning.
Lila adores that Lamaze giraffe. Its always with her in her carseat, I hope you get it!
ETA: You don't need 2 packs of white onesies. 1 pack of each size should be plenty.
Married Bio
I did put a couple of those sleep sack swaddlers on there. Do you think I still need the blankets?
Sounds good, thanks!
Lots of good stuff on there! I have the same car seat, it's pretty great. By the time I'm done with it it will be expired, but I'll still have the base to give away (it was given to us), but that won't be for a year. If you can wait that long for the base, ours is yours. But you live far don't you? Well, if you're in Tampa sometime
It's waaay too heavy to ship.
I also have the same breast pump and it's pretty awesome too. I didn't research the pump and store bags you registered for buy they are Lansinoh and you are getting the Medela pump. If you get the Medela storage bags there is an attatchment that fits right onto the pump, it's super easy. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10860618 Also, you registered for Avent bottles and I just wanted to suggest possibly looking into the Medela bottles. The Womens Place at the hospital I go to sells Medela bottle accessories and the nipples seem to be great for breastfeeding babies. Plus the pump comes with 4 small bottles so the nipples would come in handy for those when pumping on the go, and the pump also comes with a storage bag that fits them perfectly which is another plus. However, that being said, Kim's suggestion of trying a few of each bottle is a good one. You won't know what your baby likes until you start experimenting. I personally have all Dr Brown bottles and accessories but now I'm wishing I'd known about the Medela line. My girl is going to have to try reaaalllly hard to like Dr Browns because I have everything (extra nipples, parts, the bag) Also, get these for cleaning pump parts. Cheap, and easier than running an empty load in your dishwasher every night. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2735035
Thank you for this! I will need to go through most of it later, but a couple questions off the top of my head.
Are they the ones that hold their arms in? The ones I saw were just the sacks, but I could have been looking at them wrong. I know Q is only 4, but there is so much new stuff out there already.
I know Chelsea said to buy the nursing pads, but I did that and then really only ever leaked maybe twice. And I nursed him until he was almost 2. There is so much stuff that you don't really need until you need it, kwim? Returning stuff can be such a hassle, I tried to just wait it out. I did buy disposable nursing pads from Publix (sign up for the Baby Club if you haven't, tons of great coupons) and ended up giving them to a friend who needed them.
my read shelf:
Fisher Price Jumperoo: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2508003
Bouncer: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3924267
Married Bio
Did you need additional head/body support for the car seat? I wasnt sure on that!
Regular swaddlers:
Married Bio
Married Bio
No, not really. I got a "Snuzzler" which you can put in to make it more snug for when LO is teeny tiny. But when I got the seat inspected the tech mentioned not to use a product that doesn't go with the brand. I took it out and didn't need it anyway, the straps are adjustable. Her head wasn't snug but I just sat in the back seat with her and watched her and she was fine. You can always roll up some receiving blankets and put them in to make him more snug while you need to. The Snuzzler fits well in the stroller, but I ended up getting an attachment for my stroller and now I just use the carseat with it while she's small. If you had a Snuzzler on your resistry I'd say take it off and add receiving blankets instead.
Married Bio