So, she's been putting her steel wool directly on our stainless steel sink. It's getting scratched, and it's leaving a rust colored residue that's a giant pain in the arse to clean. As most would have guessed, I'm the only one that cleans the kitchen... So. I bought a little soap holder to put the steel wool scrubber on so that it doesn't ruin my sink. And she had a complete fit about it this morning. Yelling at me for moving "her" stuff. Listen missy, your "stuff" is in my house. Let's get that straight. Okay?
She said it would be like her going into the garage and building a crafting table. Um, no crazypants, that would be completely different. Again, MY house. Not yours. If your stuff is in the common areas and it's causing DAMAGE, I'm probably going to move it. I also told you about this in person per your previous request.
Good news is, she'll be out of the house by the 29th of March, and I'm gone the 26-29th, so only a little over a month left!!!
I think she's convinced that she's going to create a problem every day between now and when she leaves.
Re: BSC roommate strikes again.
Good advice. Seconded.
Married 9-25-2004; Momma 12-14-2009
my read shelf:
I'm sure I'll be in the minority, but why not try to call a truce? I don't know how you're going to make it another month with this - it's really a hostile environment. I mean who freaks out over a new holder for steel wool and why do you have to inform her of that? Why can't she just notice it moved 1-inch off the surface into a holder and use it? I think it's just going to get worse.
Honestly I think she's mostly to blame, but I would keep the peace for a month to not have someone in my house who was so BSC all the time. Would you ever try going out for a glass of wine (out of the house and in a neutral area - heck maybe even you buy the first round) and calling a truce? Heck even take a little of the blame so you can live there without stress. What does your DH think of the weird situation? Can you live in this another 30 days?
Are you united with the CCOKCs?
This is exactly what I tried about a month ago when things started to get crazy. It was right after she kicked my dog because he was in the kitchen. We agreed to talk things over and I bent over backwards just to try and "get through".
Then she pretty much walked all over me (emptying her storage unit into my garage...and several other things). Seems like the "talk" we had didn't even matter.
DH is ready to kick her out this very instant. He's so over it. I'm trying to keep the peace for the next 30 days between the two of them. As she left the house today, she told DH that she needed to talk to him, and he said he's not going to take any of her crap. Not really the best attitude to have, IMO.
I think you're 100% right, I don't see how this isn't going to explode.
4 losses: Blighted ovum 1/11, CP 12/11, CP 3/12, and our perfectly healthy baby girl Charlotte Grace, missed M/C 5/31/12 at 8w5d
Surprise unmedicated BFP 9/21/12!! Beta #1 9/22 (10 DPO): 46 Beta #2 9/24 (12 DPO): 226! Heartbeat 136 bpm at 7w! It's a BOY! Theodore Joshua 5/23/13 7:36am 7lb 13 oz, 19.25 in
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
He will be. She'd be really stupid to do any damage to our house, and I think she knows it.
I guess I am confused. Why are you allowing this person to stay since you clearly are not going to be friends after this is all over? Why not just tell her to pack up her stuff and get out now?
A truce would have been ideal, but it sounds way too far gone for that kind of thing.
I guess I feel this way too - she wouldn't be in my house another month.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Same here.
Mama's Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird
It's a simple choice she can make, and you need to make it very clear to her (or have DH do it): "You can move out in 30 days, or you can move out in 60 minutes. It's entirely up to you and your attitude in OUR house. You have five minutes to decide."
She's walking all over you because she isn't getting a clear indication there is any consequence for doing so. Treat her like an adult and give her the opportunity to respond in kind - if she doesn't, it's pretty much KTHXBYE.