so since August, there was a kitten, now about 7 months old that was in my yard then disappeared and now reappeared. There is another cat that looks similar but not sure relation that was coming around too and a bigger cat which I believe could be a mother, not sure.
Anyway, finally trapped two of them last night and they are being fixed today.
It was stressful trapping them and i am actually stressing as they get fixed today.
It sucks having to trap them only to release them, esp the younger one, since it seemed pretty calm considering. I wish I could find it a home but I know the cat population makes that so difficult!
I really respect animal rescue workers after this. It takes a lot of effort, is stressful and never planned the way you want! Regardless I am happy to at least help reduce the cat population any way I can! It was worth the effort!
Re: feral cats...
yea I think it is not responsible to feed them if you don't make the effort to spay and neuter and vaccinate them. Im sorry that happened to YH! Apparently we have some colonies in our community but they are making an effort to trap, neuter and release. Somehow these few made it near us, esp the kitten and that is how we started taking notice. we felt bad not doing anything either because if we didn't, they may multiply here anyway. Once we have caught the few that have been here and had them fixed, vaccinated, and released, we will only feed with a scheduled outdoor feeder. We know their feeding time, it is like clockwork! That way, we are not encouraging a trillion of them (I do not want colony to move to my backyard), yet the few that are here at least we know they cannot multiply!
If they are wild, you can get a humane trap and start bringing them yourself if you want. Many vets work with locals to help control the population and it is low cost. They vaccinate too. You may have a TNR program in your area too that helps with costs. They will tip the ears so that people know they have been spayed or neutered already too.