I saw a cute idea for a Go Texan Day t-shirt and, time permitting, may try to make something similar for my girls. It involved custom lettering with a zig-zag stitch around the edge of each letter for detail. But, upon closer inspection, it looks like the letters were applied with some kind of iron-on adhesive. I didn't get a close enough look to see whether the stitching went through the shirt (i.e. was applied over the letters once they were in place) or whether they may have been pre-stitched and then ironed-on.
I've used iron-on decorative fabric before but these were small-ish letter so I'm also wondering how to cut them out....by hand or using something like a Cricut? Lastly, the selection of iron-on fabrics tends to be *very* limited....is there a way to make other fabric patterns adhere to a shirt w/o sewing? I've heard of "fusing" but don't know how it works...and whether it would work with cut-out letters, etc.
Teacher sent me a pic....not the best, as it's hard to see the stictchig detail around the letters and boot/star:
So how hard would this be?? Worth a try to make it, or better to buy ($10)? I don't care about the cost, I like to try new projects, but don't want to take on something to complicated as I may not have time to finish by their March 9th rodeo day.
Re: Crafty/sew-y people...(Updated w/ pic)
Walmart and Hobby Lobby carry HeatnBond an iron adhesive that you can apply to any fabric. I have cut out my designs attached the adhesive and ironed onto my project then used a zig-zag stich on my sewing machine to make it more decorative.
GL..I have not tried fusing, but I'm sure there are great tutorials out on the web
When I think fusing I think of something like heat n bond.
Theres also fabri-tac, which is a great fabric adhesive.
I use heat n bond lite for all my appliqu? type stuff. I cut everything by hand, iron to the shirt and then zig zag stitch over it.
Thank you! I'll check out these options at Michael's/JoAnn's.
I added a pic t othe original post above.