I recently started volunteering at a horse rescue where they are obsessed with Parelli Natural Horsemanship/7 games. I had never heard of it and went to a demonstration. It was so different from any training methods I have ever seen or used.
I went to check out another farm over the weekend where I'm considering taking lessons, and the first thing the trainer asked me was if I knew Parelli. They also have a volunteer program where part of the training is in Parelli.
Just how big is this thing??? I had never heard of it before and now it seems to be everywhere I go! Methods are so different from my experience, and many of the methods just don't seem "right" to me, but users swear that it is the greatest thing on this green earth. It seems to be pretty controversial from what I've dug up on Google.
Have you heard of Parelli? Tried it? What do you think of it?
Re: Horse people - Parelli?
I've never heard of it, but my horsemanship is all Western. The Rolex World Cup in the Netherlands this April will be my first non-Western equine event.
After being in the horse world for quite a few years, I have heard of Parelli. I know enough to tell you that his training methods are very controversial among horse people. Most people either love or hate him and his methods. My aunt was huge into him and I was indifferent. I never research into it much, but it is a very hot topic among horse people.