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Anyone Doing Lent? If so, What are You Giving Up?
I am a slacker Catholic, but I think I am going to do Lent. I am thinking of giving up either bread/pasta or chocolate.....
Re: Anyone Doing Lent? If so, What are You Giving Up?
I'm going to attempt to give something up again this year....
I'm torn between:
Soda (I drink diet) or alcohol. I don't induldge in alcohol often so I think this would be too easy for me (I have maybe 1 drink a week). The soda on the other hand might kill me
I feel your pain. While the pasta give up would be hard, giving up chocolate might actually put me in the grave
Not Catholic but I still recognize Lent. The year I gave up chocolate (coming from a true addict), the only thing that saved me was eating Reese's Pieces. Peanut butter + candy shell, but no chocolate!
I'm going to give up "office noshing" this year. No donuts, bagels, candy, pretzels, etc., that my boss often brings in and leaves on the table to tempt us.
Chocolate Blog!
I'm giving up booze. I did it last year and it was quite enjoyable. Waking up without a hangover is pretty amazing. lol
I'm also planning on simplifying our life, too. I plan on going through closets and drawers and stuff and getting rid of a bunch of stuff we don't need/use and donating it.
I am also toying with going to church regularly during lent. It'll be a lot easier without a hangover
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
Planning Bio
Who's to say you can't do both? Just sayin'.
Chocolate Blog!
I struggle with this every year since I'm a new Cathloic. I grew up United Methodist and my particular church did not observe the sacrifice part of lent, just the prayerful meditation and service. They did prayer partners and encouraged extra community service during Lent. So everytime I think of something I could give-up the UM in me asks who is that going to help? I guess I'm at a loss once again this year. I've got a few more hours to figure it out though right?
Sstrug you are a riot.
I'm giving up Rick Astley. May as well do something easy since I go to church once a year and can't get on board with the whole pretending to be religious at Lent thing.
One year I was deciding between chocolate and bacon. I chose chocolate.
My Food Blog
I'm Methodist, but I do give up stuff for Lent.
I'm giving up all sweets. When I just give up chocolate, I end up replacing it with other treats so I feel it's not much of a sacrifice.
I'm also giving up "not exercising" - in other words, I'm going to start exercising. Of course, my grand plan was to start tomorrow, but I feel like I'm getting sick so I'm not sure that will happen.
I see no problem with doing both- just explaining what I personally do.
Planning Bio
I'm giving up sweets and wine. DH is giving up sweets and beer. I always strive to simplify the foods we eat during Lent since it's a fasting season. We eat few meals out, eat considerably fewer animal products, smaller portions, less snacks.
I am giving up desserts (mainly baked goods) for Lent, like I did last year. We did give up drinking once and I really thought we would not make it through the 40+ days. Made us realize how much of our social life revolves around drinking with friends.
I am also going to try to do some reflection and strive to go out of my way each day to try to do a good deed or something to brighten someone else' day.