So I'm at work and my phone rings - its his school nurse saying that he came to her crying that his penis hurts, he thinks it's infected again, etc. Tells her it's all red and swollen. The nurse was not allowedtomlook at it without other adults there, like the principal and/or the guidance counselor, and they weren't around so she called me. I tell her of course, I'll be there in about 40 minutes, I'll leave work now. I am imagining the worst since he had the penis infection and the circumcision surgery last year.
So I get to school, the nurse had sent him back to,class because he had calmed down. While we're waiting for him to come up to the nurse with his stuff she says, well I know your husband is a doctor so he should look at it and maybe bring RP to the ped tomorrow. Um, what, lol? Robs a lot of things - a doctor he is not. So RP comes upstairs and doesn't look right so I sign him out and we leave. I decide we'll go home and call the ped and see what she suggests. So I tell hum to let me see his penis so I can tell the dr what's wrong with it. He pulls down his pants and starts laughing. He was FINE. Turns out he as BORED and wanted to come home from school. I almost hit the roof - I've been at this job like 3 weeks, I can't just LEAVE! S give him a tongue lashing about lying about being sick, etc. then I say, and you know your father isn't a doctor, why did you tell the nurse that.
His response: "Sure he is. He told me yesterday that when he was in college his name was Dr. love."
W.T.F. Banging my head repeatedly against the counter right now.
Re: Meet my son, hereby known as The Fibber.
I just literally busted out laughing. OMG, Amy. This is AWESOME.
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
HOLY MOLY...that RP is gonna edge out Ryan and Riley with the most entertaining stories.
I'm sorry...none of that is funny. (hehehehehe) None of it.
Have a glass of wine. stomach hurts from laughing....haha...that is so incredibly awesome! and that he knew the nurse wouldnt be able to check...dr love...ohmygod...pure awesomeness!
btw...did you call the office and page Dr. Love!?!
OMG. Dr. Love. that story ended so awesome.
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
I'm not laughing...I'm not laughing...I'm not laughing....that was hysterical!!!
LOL you will be the talk of the school :-) I swear since they were 5 ish we have to watch EVERYTHING we say. Cant even spell anymore. We made a comment about Aunt K wearing the pants in the family and she wore a skirt to a family event and Ryan pointed out to her she shouldn't wear a skirt since Dad says she wears the pants in the family.
The grade school teacher know SO MUCH about our families!
:-) I told you about the handcuff story when he police man visited right? "My mom and dad have those but we aren't allowed to touch them"! I never look at the mother without a smirk inside.
Glenn told me when he did the Irish heritage talk before Christmas one kid said "my dad is Irish so he has to drink a lot of beer and it makes my mom yell at him all the time. Kids name is Seamus, I know his dad, its true LOL!