Ok, we know I don't have kids.
One of my friends just acquired a "tummy tub" and she is going on and on about how amazing it is, and how it mimicks the womb, and suggesting to a bunch of people to get one.
Maybe i'm having a problem because she didn't care enough to keep her kid in her actual womb until she was full term, and she didn't care enough to even try to breastfeed, but, I digress.
These can't be safe, can they? Do people really bathe their kids in a bucket? How is this easier than bathing in a sink or in an actual tub for babies?
ETA: I'm trying really hard not to judge her here because I've never been in her situation and all that - but I mean, really? A bucket?
Re: I need some perspective.
I saw one very similar on the today show when I was on bedrest while pregnant and thought they were ridiculous BUT I learned they were actually pretty cool for babies when we were visiting friends when DD was 3 months old and they had one. She did not do her normal bathtime scream-a-thon when she was in it. I think she liked being able to sit up.
truly, it is a bucket with a fancy name (and price tag) but it actually does work.
I've seen these and I thought they were weird too, but Amalah (ie, someone I know in real life) uses one and it seems to work like they say. And some kids really hate the bath, so whatever works as long as it's safe.
Her going on and on about it is what would be bugging me.
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
baby blog/cooking blog
She really seems to have gone off the deep end, and i'm trying to listen to her. But I will be honest and say i've had to distance myself from her. I'm borderline anti-kids and I can only take so much. This bucket business really just pushed me a little closer to the edge.
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
I washed Sprout in what was essentially a bucket for awhile if I didn't have any help around. It was easier than a tub when I was by myself b/c I could hold him up with one hand against the bucket walls (hard to describe).
Desperate times, desperate measures.
However, I sense that this isn't so much about the bucket but rather some other choices that your friend has made that you don't really approve of.
You're 99% right. The other 1% is me wondering who spends more than $7 on a bucket.
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
I understand, I have some mommy friends who are like that, and heck, I have kids. I know our mutual single friends get very frustrated with them. I think in part its because they show lack of interest in anyone else's life. They're all talk and no listen. I know I try real hard to achieve a better balance. Can you try to steer the conversation more and ask about her other interests or ones you mutually share?
I tried the other day when I was trying to catch up on her week and was kind of like "so what's new with YOU" and she was like, "well, i have to try to find someone who will circumsize my kid" and I facepalmed. Luckily my dogs started going apeshit because someone was at the door and I had to get off the phone.
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
Well, the thing is - that IS what's new with her. The first few weeks are very little about the parent and almost 100% about the kid. She's probably not reading awesome books or trying new make up and baking new recipes right now. If you are anti-baby, you might have to wait this out.
And good lord, if you think the price of a bucket is bad you should see the crap they sell a Babies R Us.
I agree with pp about life with a newborn being all-consuming. Feel free to tune her out when she starts going on and on about it. Most people return to normal after a few months.
I imagine it's just as safe as any other bathing method since the kid isn't really alone... but FORTY-effing-TWO dollars for a bucket? Seriously.
And I get wishing you could dial down the baby talk. For different reasons I don't really love being around kids/hearing kid talk and it drives me nuts when a person becomes so one dimensional that they are incapable of discussing ANYTHING else.
And yes - I'm very Judgy McJudgerson so I'd be side-eyeing her too.
you're not into kids, but you want to wade into the mommy war waters? are you high? ;-) lol...
ftr, nothing she's done is unsafe, IMO. also, the kinds of decisions she has made don't affect anyone but her child. so as someone who is a mom, I can say that those are the kinds of things that I don't give a f*ck about. deciding whether or not to breastfeed is deeply personal, I can't bring myself to judge someone on this at all. and as far as how one bathes a child? seriously, who cares?
she's a new mom...and babies tend to eat our brains a bit, so cut her some slack. I can definitely see being annoyed at her running on about something so mundane, but if you value her friendship, be patient with her. and if you don't value her friendship, then just stop talking to her.
to me its WIERD. its a freaking bucket. but you'd be AMAZED at the crap some of our friends bought because it was supposed to be the best or greatest on the market.
i have the euro tub and love it just fine and cole is just fine it.
but that being said about your friend. not sure how long she's been a mom but when you first become a mom ESPECIALLY your first it becomes all about baby and people tend to forget that life exists outside her kid.
don't knock her for not bfing (I HAD no desire to do it) and i also had a c section a few weeks early (due to high blood pressure) being pg SUCKS butt in my opinon and i couldn't WAIT to get either of my kids out. if i didn't love being a mom i would have never EVER done it again. and bf is really tough i've heard and for some people thats a personal decision (now to go say a bucket is like mommy's womb thats a bit odd to me) but to each their own