If you have an ipad and let your kids use it, where do you look, if anywhere, for app recommendations?
I am a preK teacher and I have been using my ipad in the classroom to do some new activities with my students. I am taking them on a field trip to an apple store next week to create an imovie project too. I am really excited about integrating technology into my classroom and I am thinking about starting a blog with app reviews from a teachers perspective for other teachers and parents to find information about new apps. I've been searching and haven't really found any great sites, especially for preK/kindergarteners. So would you ever check out a blog like this??
Re: Kids and iPads
I would totally check out a blog like that! My daughter is only 20 months but I have downloaded a bunch of learning apps and some she likes and some she is bored of. Go for it!
we have purchased most of our apps based on rec's from friends, and from the top rated apps on the app store website. We only get apps you have to pay for (no free apps) b/c dh feels the free ones have more bugs, etc.
i think a teacher app review site would be very cool. I used to be a teacher- and i look at the apps a whole different way than my DH... so I'd love to have another teacher reviewing them for me so i didn't have to sift through so many to find the best ones.
this is one of my favorite apps the kids have - for teaching letter recognition/writing. Even the twins can do it (it's not easy for them, but with a little help- they LOVE it and are really learning from it)... and Griffin has a blast on his own writing the whole alphabet. http://letterschool.com/
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