So the reason I couldn't go to the Nest GTG a few weeks ago is because I was interviewing with another firm. After a follow-up interview and going back and forth, I got the offer and accepted! I don't start for three more weeks and told my current company on Monday.
After being the first employee of my firm and dealing with the growing pains for 4.5 years, it was time for me to move on. And finally I will have health benefits and am getting a raise! The only thing I am a little puzzled about is my bosses were totally nice about it and told me they had been preparing themselves that I would leave one day. Wouldn't you be concerned if your most valued employee that has been there since the start decides to up and leave after someone else recently left too. Half of their staff has left in the last 2 months I would be concerned.
Re: Aww: I am starting a new job!
My Food Blog
That's terriffic!
Is your soon-to-be-old company still having issues coming up with enough work to keep all of you busy? Maybe it's a relief to them to have less overhead?
No, we are super busy and hiring more people and I only am "middle overhead" and just got larger than normal raise. My coworker's responses have been "we are screwed with you leaving." My bosses did thank me for giving more than 2 weeks notice since they don't know how they can find someone to replace me. My one boss and I are really close and she even told me she had been wanting to tell me for awhile that it was alright to leave one day if I had to for a better opportunity. Maybe they really just care about me, but still super weird.
congrats and good for you for leaving on such great terms. I am a firm believer in never burning bridges.
it is weird that your boss's expected you to leave but there is no accounting for certain employers. since i left my job in NYC two years ago, FOUR PEOPLE have left my 7-person department. and three of those were in the span of 10 months. my leaving was a longtime coming, i had closed door conversations with our publisher about how poorly our director was running things for more than a year before i gave my notice. and yet, my old director is still there.
anyway, hope you & DH do some celebrating this weekend and that you love the new job!
"What is a week-end?"
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
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