Hi. I'm a former Austin gal who now lives in Colorado.
My dad and his wife live in the Round Rock area. My dad is battling stage 4 lung cancer (life long smoker). I'm coming out for his next doc appointment where we will likely be told that chemo isn't working and we will begin to prepare for the end game.
My Dad's wife is an alcoholic and not handling any of this well (and things really haven't even started to get bad yet). We have doubts about her ability to handle what's to come.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a good care giver support group or resource? I'd like to get her to some kind of support group meeting while I'm there for this visit to try to get her connected with some help.
Also any experience with hospice organizations in the area? I'll only have one business day on this trip and will probably be frantically trying to get some of this type of thing investigated and set up so I'm trying to get some leg work done up front.
TIA for any info you can offer.
Re: Seeking cancer/hospice resources...
Hi! Very sorry to hear about your dad. I work for a local cancer center...in the billing department. It is very possible that your dad is one of our patients. In that case you could call the center and discuss everything with the on site social worker. I would do so in advance so she can have everything ready for you when you are here. Austin also has the Livestrong Navigation Center- you might call them as well to see how they can help. Good luck. Let me know of there is anything I can help with.
Thank you so very much for your response.
I have the contact info for his oncologist's office and the direct line to his nurse. I'll call tomorrow to see if they can put me in contact with the social worker. I didn't realize you could do that!
I work in pharma and I'm so used to everything being HIPPA blocked that I hadn't considered direct contact with his medical center. He's got me listed on his release but I don't want to be a PITA to the medical clinic, KWIM?
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
If he is a Texas Oncology patient then that site should have a social worker that can help in this situation. If not, then the nurse can. Don't consider yourself being a pain- they should be happy to help. If you were to start all of the leg work when you are here in town then it would all be left up to your step mom (I think you said she was your step mom) to finish up after you leave. If you explain your situation they should be able to get you started so that you can tie up loose ends when you are here.
Definitely look into the navigation center too to see if there is anything they can help you with regarding your dad or even your step mom.
I tried to check for your response all day today but the stupid nest was down. Hopefully you got in touch with someone today.