You know how you have days when things can either go wrong or right?
Well, here are two things that could easily have gone wrong that have gone right.
1) Yesterday, I realized at work that I had lost one of my favorite earrings, which wasn't cheap, either. I retraced my steps in the office, checked my car and didn't find it. But when I got home last night, it was right there on the bathroom floor!
2) My car is making awful noises and I realized the other day that I have no memory of its last oil change. So I took it in today to my favorite mechanic and I just got the estimate -- only $170 (and that includes the oil change, new headlight, new wiper blades, belt adjustment and battery cleaning).
Preissless and ch ch chia and any other wheaton nesties - I take my car to the gas station that used to be a Citgo and is now a BP on the corner of University and Amherst. They are reasonably priced, very trustworthy, and it's two blocks from metro.
It's amazing how two little positives make your day brighter. What has gone right for you lately?
Re: I'm feeling lucky....
That's awesome!
One time I thought I lost a diamond stud and was sick to my stomach over it, turns out it was on my bedroom floor the entire time. I had people looking under a deck, under the floor boards of the jeep I had driven, etc. It was pretty funny in hindsight.
That's awesome about the car place too. We take ours to the no name gas station on the corner of Connecticut and Plyers Mill. It's not the Mobil or the Getty - it's sort of 50's looking. It also appears to be for sale, or maybe just the stuff behind it, but if it leaves, i'll be sad.
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
I'm really happy about the weather today.
I was also really concerned about getting some negative (constructive, but negative) comments on my project last night, but I got lots of raves. I was so happy after that!